Flameout Or Dry Hop?

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Hi Guys,

I'm brewing an English Pale Ale today. I'd like the batch to have a nice aroma. I've never tried a flameout hop addition or dry hopping.

I plan to add 10g of EKG for aroma but I'm undecided about whether to add the hops at flameout or dry hop.

Just wondering what the differences are?


For aroma I'd triple that to 30g :icon_cheers:
Do you no chill or use a chiller?

If you use a chiller I'd go for flameout
If you nochill then I'd recommend the "argon" method he posted recently.

Chill the cube in the fridge to around 9 degrees
Pour 3 L into a stockpot, bring to the boil and do your flameout addition, holding the hops for a couple of minutes.

Pour the hot mixture and the cold cube into the fermenter and pitch immediately.

edit: UK brewers can do both, the flameout addition is poured into the kettle in the form of flowers which sink to the bottom and get lodged as a wad in the hopback, which the wort flows through on the way to the chillers - as we can't get EKG flowers here then flameout with pellets is sort of the best we can do for the Hopback effect. Also in the UK they can add hops directly to the cask in the form of hop plugs. Dry hopping can give a bit of grassiness, I prefer the flameout personally.
Supposedly fermentation drives off some aromatic compounds which is why dry hop is sometimes suggested. Originally it was a method of refreshing a well matured beer as well as adding antibacterial properties for long voyages.

10g isn't a lot for either addition (batch size dependent obviously) so really it would be up to you to try both and see what you prefer.

Why not add the 10 at flameout then taste and smell at the end of ferment? If you think it needs more, add another 10.

Both will add aroma and some flavour but negligible bitterness. Dry hops left too long can give grassy, vegetal notes and some hops are more prone than others. My experience of dry hopping EKG has so far been good though.
Never, ever, ever, never dry hop with NZ Cascade.

Your beer will small like your shoes after mowing the lawn.


I've not dry hopped with EKG, but it's a good idea to ask here if anyone has had any issues with a hop and dry hopping.

US Cascade is fine for me dry hopped. Who woulda thunk?

I "saved" it by adding 30g of Citra in the keg. That shit will overpower ANYTHING.
Thanks Guys!

My batch is 20 Litres and I chill using an ice bath.

I think I'll take manticle's advice and try flameout this time and try dry hopping in a future batch.


Never, ever, ever, never dry hop with NZ Cascade.

Your beer will small like your shoes after mowing the lawn.


I've not dry hopped with EKG, but it's a good idea to ask here if anyone has had any issues with a hop and dry hopping.

US Cascade is fine for me dry hopped. Who woulda thunk?

I "saved" it by adding 30g of Citra in the keg. That shit will overpower ANYTHING.

I've recently dry hopped with NZ Cascade with no overpowering grassiness at all. I added around 0.95g/L.

Edit - spellink and more words
Ive just started messing about with EKG as well and today did a 10g flameout addition with plans to do a 15g dryhop toward the end,

I have done this both ways (flameout and dry) but not both before so am interested to see how it comes out... though not previously with EKG

no particular reason why you cant do both is there?
Flame out for me also with English beers i tend not to do a flame out or a ate addition of hops
Just normal grassiness then?
Grassiness is entirely appropriate in some US styles.

Don't confuse your disinclination to enjoy it with it being unsuitable.
The grassiest beer I have ever tasted was the litre cans of Bamberger Kaiserdom that came with the litre glass steins at Cellarbrations (before BWS took them over here)
Could be the Hop sextract they list on the can :blink:
I stuck my head out of the door to see if the next door had been mowing.

Yes, nothing wrong with doing both - flame out 30g, dry hop 30g. If you keg, a wicked way of dry hopping is to get a big teaball from an Asian store and put in a plug of your hop, and drop into keg.

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