The problems with this fermenter have me thinking I am happy I didn't jump in, and stuck with the original fermentasaurus which has treated me well and which I will upgrade I reckon. Go the Aussie product
Stunting valve was not needed the main fermenter was not under pressure, only the true tub was 100% full with the valve closed , I don’t believe the equipment is the issue only my mistake
I am happy to keep a customer like Neil for our Aussie made products. Is that a sin? How many our fathers etc should I say? I think there is far worse for you to call out here if you think about it. I like what the man said and that is fair dinkum.
Time and a place, and your competitor's thread isn't it in my view. But if you're comfortable then so be it.I am happy to keep a customer like Neil for our Aussie made products. Is that a sin? How many our fathers etc should I say? I think there is far worse for you to call out here if you think about it. I like what the man said and that is fair dinkum.
They send people to post on ours all the time and I don’t see you calling that out?? I stayed quiet for a long time whilst we had **** dumped on us. When someone gives us a compliment then I am happy to like. I did not post until you had a go and I don’t see why I should shut up whilst you cast unwarranted aspersions. If you do that then don’t expect me to sit quietly ignoring this with the feigned holier than though bit. Suggest we leave it at that,Time and a place, and your competitor's thread isn't it in my view. But if you're comfortable then so be it.
I'm not sure who expected you to shut up, and I'm not sure what aspersions have been cast, I just questioned whether it's a great look for someone with "CEO company name" in their title to be visibly liking a post critical of their competitor in a thread specific to that competitor. Doesn't feel right to me, and if the red figurehead did that in the Fermentasaurus thread I'd ask the question there too, or any of the other sponsors. If you're comfortable then fair enough, I don't own this place (nor do I pay to be here any longer) and my view isn't everyone's.They send people to post on ours all the time and I don’t see you calling that out?? I stayed quiet for a long time whilst we had **** dumped on us. When someone gives us a compliment then I am happy to like. I did not post until you had a go and I don’t see why I should shut up whilst you cast unwarranted aspersions. If you do that then don’t expect me to sit quietly ignoring this with the feigned holier than though bit. Suggest we leave it at that,
Have a look through the KK Fermentasaurus thread, not only will you find a like from Keg Land for a negative post about the Snub Nose, but they joined in the fray with a post of their own! Saying its a load of crap who's idea was this. Now they have only gone and copied the God damned thing!Do you really think this is appropriate @CEO Keg King?
Fair enough, didn't see that one but poor form too by the sound of it.Have a look through the KK Fermentasaurus thread, not only will you find a like from Keg Land for a negative post about the Snub Nose, but they joined in the fray with a post of their own! Saying its a load of crap who's idea was this. Now they have only gone and copied the God damned thing!
Noob mistake or product failure?
Did a late night 10pm transfer from the FermZilla to keg of a well hopped all in brew Mutiny Red IPA brew,
Thought it will be right until I get home the next day to do the clean out.
A me home from work to the strong scent of hops and brew downstairs,
On investigation I found this
Not sure what the pressure rating is on the tub but it can blow
The other half of the collection tub was in the opposite corner of the bathroom
Now I have done this procedure several times without a problem.
But this failure I put down to me forgetting to open the valve back up when done as I normally do, allowing the pressure to move to the whole unit, not just the tub alone
The hydraulic pressure of the hops and yeast would appear to have exceeded the limits of the vessel
So remember brewers keep the valve open if you do this also,
I was looking at getting a 2nd bottle anyway for yeast harvesting, so have ordered 2 new bottles instead
After cleaning this up I thought I would break the seal of the fresh keg of All in Brew Consequences, dumped the first dregs then poured a nice pint and relaxed a bit, came back about an hour later the another fresh smell of brew again to find the new keg had leaked out completely from the ball post “WTF” to all over the floor downstairs,
start the clean up again
Wow just wow, what a crap day
Live and learn
I agree with you it is poor form, but giving a like to NB for his praise for the KK product is no biggie.Fair enough, didn't see that one but poor form too by the sound of it.
Well I liked a post by someone who is happy with us and it had no other connotations such as what you are trying to put on it. Why should I not be proud that someone is pleased with our gear? I don’t have to hide and you were so obviously goading and trying to serve up your dose of critical admonishment that I think it fair to defend myself no matter how it “feels “ to you. Go and take it out on those who continue to try and trash whatever we put up if you want to show that you are fair. Why can I not like what the man said without you getting sanctimonious and pushing me to respond. Leave it already if you can but if not then take it offline and I will be happy to have PM with you.I'm not sure who expected you to shut up, and I'm not sure what aspersions have been cast, I just questioned whether it's a great look for someone with "CEO company name" in their title to be visibly liking a post critical of their competitor in a thread specific to that competitor. Doesn't feel right to me, and if the red figurehead did that in the Fermentasaurus thread I'd ask the question there too, or any of the other sponsors. If you're comfortable then fair enough, I don't own this place (nor do I pay to be here any longer) and my view isn't everyone's.
Good thing you had a plastic cap on, wouldn't like to see one of the steel caps ejected.I had a similar issue a couple months back. Closed the valve to take the yeast away but suddenly life got in the way. Then discovered this.
Not as bad as yours, mine blew the cap off. Haven't had to clean up a poo explosion since the little girl was little [emoji23]View attachment 116955View attachment 116956
Glad I’m not the only one lolI had a similar issue a couple months back. Closed the valve to take the yeast away but suddenly life got in the way. Then discovered this.
Not as bad as yours, mine blew the cap off. Haven't had to clean up a poo explosion since the little girl was little [emoji23]View attachment 116955View attachment 116956
pleased with our gear
I understand now what happened, easy mistake to make. That's the problem with the butterfly valve you have equal lbs force of the pressure pushing to open it and the pressure to keep it closed.Stunting valve was not needed the main fermenter was not under pressure, only the true tub was 100% full with the valve closed , I don’t believe the equipment is the issue only my mistake
You are easily amused then. Never fails to amuse me too that it was all stuff done on KK money, KK paid for time and in KK paid for factory. So yes we do own it and no need for thanking when you have already paid for it. Though the design was actually done by others and our team has made it way better than it started life as. Hence the dropping of the reptilian moniker which a good product does not deserve. The Europeans just went apeshit over it last week at the Brau Beviale show where we had a stand showing off a great Aussie product. Even David Heath commented on the quality when he popped by.Never fails to amuse me that the only reason you have the Fermentasaurus to sell at all is because it was left to you by the departing KegLand people. You should really be thanking them
Oh, before you ask
- No I don't work for KegLand
- No, I don't want you phone number to chat