this is from the web, originally adapted from a Papazian recipe, they say. Modified from US measurement units and altered to suit my tatses and ingredients. B)
1.8 kg light dry malt extract (Edit: Oops, I was gonna make this ag, wasn't I?
OK, for ag, divide this weight by your efficiency % and use JW Trad ale malt, I reckon. Thanks.)
1.3 kg orange blossom honey (I used Archibald's)
50 g Cascade hops (5.8% alpha) - 60 min
30 g Cascade hops (5.8% alpha) - 10 min
30 g Cascade hops (5.8% alpha) - 0 min
Liquid ale yeast (I used WhiteLabs Wit II - 1.25 l starter)
3/4 cup dextrose (priming)
2 tsp. gypsum
Add gypsum to 4 litres of water and add bittering hops. Boil 50 min. Add honey and DME. Return to boil and add 30 g Cascade hops and boil 10 minutes more. Remove from heat and add 30g Cascade hops. Cool wort, top up to 20 litres, and pitch yeast. Ferment at appropriate temp for your yeast. Bulk prime at bottling.
Relevant details:
OG 1.051
FG 1.005 (bottled after 4 weeks - slow ferment. Av temp - 16 C)
Could definitely taste the honey and orange flavours as well as the Cascade.
Deceptively easy to drink, despite high alc.
Adding the DME and honey late in the boil helps the colour and retains the flavour of the honey. You may prefer to add them later or earlier.
Seth out :chug: