OK I would like to add my interest for 1000 but can't seem to add to the list and total without retyping the total list!!!
Surely there is an easier way so I must be missing something!!! and that is not uncommon for me at times.
Are you guys more worried about oxygen in the headspace than not sterilising the caps? I only ask out of curiosity, certainly not experience, colour me intrigued (I also need to get some more caps)!
Who said anything about not sanitising?
I've read that you're not supposed to get them wet. I think I also read that you're not supposed to no-rinse them (because that gets them wet). Or perhaps what I read was that you only no-rinse at the last moment? Can anyone confirm?
Sounds like a good idea! That's why I was asking the question as I normally just soak my caps in bulk in sanitiser but thought this process might compromise these particular caps. I hadn't thought of giving them a quick spray.I plan on at the very least spraying with starsan before putting it on the bottle
I'm keen, but what sort of price would I be looking at for 1000 posted to regional W.A?no more interest in this?
If I dont get any more, I will have to call it a failed bulk buy
1: n87 (1000)
2: mtb (1000)
3: Central Coast Brewers Reserve (1000)
4: Benn (500)
5: Mikeyr (500)
6: Mr_Wibble (1000)
7: Wobbly (1000)
I'm keen, but what sort of price would I be looking at for 1000 posted to regional W.A?
Yep, post bags delivered on the back of a sloth probably.~35 in a post bag... I assume post bags get to you?
Would need to know exactly how much the caps weigh, but 1000 should not weigh more than 3kg
Scratch that, I'll go in for 2000.
Surely there's some people not completely kegging in my local that will be willing to try them.
Well I'll take 500 if that helps hit that magic number, otherwise just scratch me off the end...