Hey all, just reporting in on my use so far! So back on the 22nd July I bottled my Oatmeal XPA, in doing so I used these caps except for four beers which I labelled 1 - 4. I bulk primed with 6g of table sugar per litre, then stored the bottles at about 18 - 22 degrees for two weeks.
This beer came out really well, it was my fist AG brew and I was pleasantly surprised/chuffed with the result.
+3 weeks from bottling
02 Cap - Strong hop flavour and aroma, nice malty backbone
Reg Cap - Very similar, if not the same
+4 weeks from bottling
02 Cap - Strong hop flavour and aroma, nice malty backbone
Reg Cap - Still quite similar, maybe an ever so slight drop in aroma
+5 weeks from bottling
02 Cap - Hop aroma has dropped a little, all other characteristics remain the same, still great
Reg Cap - Noticeable difference, diminished hop aroma and flavour, tastes more bitter/harsher
+6 weeks from bottling
02 Cap - Another tiny incremental drop in hop flavour and aroma, but the backbone remains intact
Reg Cap - Definitely not as good, so unless I did something to these sample bottles it seems to me that the O2 caps have made a difference
This is in no way scientific, and totally anecdotal. There could have been other factors influencing the result. At +5 weeks I gave my wife a blind taste test, she had one of the O2cap beers (which she really likes btw, winning!) and then I poured her another from the reg cap bottle (without her knowledge) and she asked me what beer it was and bluntly said she didn't like it as much and could I just give her one of the other ones instead please! Ha!
I have since bottled a RIS and a RyePA, the latter of which have turned out really well and I'll see how long they hold up for as all my XPA's (except for 4 I've tucked away for further testing) were consumed! It'll be some time before I crack one of the RIS but I'm hoping these caps will go a long way to helping them bottle condition nicely!
If there's ever another bulk buy for these caps then please let me know, I'm sold!