Tb & mhb what contribution to the this haze cloudy experiment do you have to offer other than I dont know what I am talking about read a book sort of remarks you have put forward
There is a group of people on AHB who study brewing, mostly because we work in the industry. By study, I mean have to pass exams; TB and I are among those brewers. So when you post complete gibberish and someone who just might know what they are talking about (usually fairly politely) suggests you should do some more research it might be worth paying attention.
If you have no constructive comments to offer other than ridicule why would you waste your valuable time responding
One and only one reason (for me I cant speak for others obviously), if the rubbish you come out with is left unchallenged, new brewers who dont know better might think its true. This is or is supposed to be a community, hopefully one of its aims being to make better beer. Knowledge and experience work together to further that aim, some of your posts detract from it and will be challenged.
Ridicule I disagree, most responses to your provocations are very temperate, in most cases a reason is give for disagreeing, your first response to start firing off personal insults.
You seem to think calling me a retailer is an insult, it isnt, Im proud of the services I provide and the support I offer my local community.
It is typical of narrow minded people like you to respond that way
Interesting opinion, note that when you have asked questions people have gone out of their way to answer thoughtfully (personally I have even gone and looked up answers for you).
I put this to you that everything repeats every thing moves in a frequency (wave length) light, sound, energy
And that things will always follow a path of high too low or + to so dont be so sure that you know what you are discussing
Well is as maybe, except for electrons that move from - to +. Not that it matters nor that it is related to this conversation. If you have an idea its great to put it up but it will be questioned, if you propose to change the way we all look at beer/brewing the onus is on you to provide supporting argument or (preferably) information. You cant expect everyone to agree with you just because you say so, I know I dont.
I await your positive comments
Sadly Im positive that I have just used up 15 minutes of my life to no gain.