Just a pic of the first one I did. Tastes amazing, very happy with it. Had a theoretical OG of 1053 and has finished at 1002, so ~7.3% ABV by the time I carbonated with 12g/L dextrose (should be 3.3-3.4volCO2).
The recipe was:
66.3% Pilsner (Dingemann)
18.4% Munich II (Weyermann)
0.6% Carafa Sp 1 for colour
14.7% Adro's special clear candi syrup - SG without the sugar was 1041, added at 1.021 (after 20 points of fermentation)
1.053 original gravity (theoretical)
17.1IBU of Czech Saaz at 60min (actually a touch of Northern Brewer was in here to hit my target IBU)
10IBU Czech Saaz at 30min
3.7IBU Styrian Goldings at 15min
Theoretically 30-31IBU
Added 0.75g/L fresh orange peel (Navel orange) with 5min left in the boil.
I fermented with 3724. Had a healthy pitch at just under 19°C, then rose to 23°C gently over 2 days, then let rip in Gladstone's summer for the rest. The candi syrup was added with some krausen left, but it didn't re-kraus at all. Total fermentation time was 20 days.
The beer below:
Smell is very Dupont, spicy, peppery but with some slight breadiness probably from the Munich II and very slight funkiness more noticeable when it warms. Taste is amazing... orange is actually hard to notice but it's bitter, peppery, lemony, spicy, slightly flowery (the candi syrup?) and is very dry and tart and then the funk comes in. Very very drinkable, goes down very easily.
I would call this a success...