Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

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kit and extract beermaking is GAY. Spread your cheeks an enjoy the big thrust of bland, beige beer shaft.

Please refrain from calling it 'brewing'.

Seriously, this thread is all about releasing oppressed self humility over substandard practice. If corner-cutting is what you want to do, that's your perogative, but why bother with the bleeding heart plea for kindred spirits to uplift you failings. You suck and youre not a brewer. Deal with it, or start seeing a shrink .

Tinned soup and dolmio pasta sauce is what's wrong with society today.

Yeh, tinned soup and Dolmio pasta sauce. But what about Thomas Fawcett, Weyermann, and Barret Burston. And Danstar and Fermentis.

Of course, 'real' AG-ers never touch that commercial White Wings short-cut crap. They grow and malt their own barley, and propagate their own yeast captured from the wild. And none of that shiny S/S and silicone. Its all copper, wood, leather and bone.

If you want to pursue the purist brewer line to its ultimate conclusion, I don't think there is anybody on this forum, me included, who can call themselves a 'real' brewer.

But you've inspired me! I'm off to fell an oak to make me a tun. Just got put an edge on my stone axe first.
Yeh, tinned soup and Dolmio pasta sauce. But what about Thomas Fawcett, Weyermann, and Barret Burston. And Danstar and Fermentis.

Of course, 'real' AG-ers never touch that commercial White Wings short-cut crap. They grow and malt their own barley, and propagate their own yeast captured from the wild. And none of that shiny S/S and silicone. Its all copper, wood, leather and bone.

If you want to pursue the purist brewer line to its ultimate conclusion, I don't think there is anybody on this forum, me included, who can call themselves a 'real' brewer.

But you've inspired me! I'm off to fell an oak to make me a tun. Just got put an edge on my stone axe first.

I hear what you're saying, but i think there needs to be a line drawn between convenience and practicality.

It's impractical to grow your own grain and cultivate your own hops, just like it's impractical for a butcher to raise his own cattle, slaughter and sell the parts. or a fisherman to build his own boat and nets.
Sure, if I had the land, money and equipment, I would be at least having a crack at my own grain, multiple variety's of hops etc, but it's just not practical.

It may not be practical for someone to spend 6 hours on a brew day, so it's more convenient to pick up a tin of goop and knock it out in an hour. and it's that compromise you take that i'm interested in.
If you are compromising due to time restraints, fair enough, it's convenient to goop brew and if you can stomach it, well done.
But if you're compromising due to fear of 'lack of knowledge' or confidence, but have the time, then i don't think the convenience is warranted and you are just procrastinating making proper beer due to these inhibitions.
My point is that, you're being ******* ridiculous, if you can make porridge and drain noodles you can brew beer from grain.

The other extreme is: why are we brewing at all?, it's already done for us, mashed, boiled, fermented, packaged and carbed. What's the point in brewing at all when you can pick up a slab from Dan Murphys? it's the ultimate brewing convenience.



FWIW I don't brew 'real' beer because I use pelleted hops, lager yeast strains, filter and use extraneous carbon dioxide to dispense.

Edit: Oh, but I do have a march pump!
FWIW I don't brew 'real' beer because I use pelleted hops, lager yeast strains, filter and use extraneous carbon dioxide to dispense.

Edit: Oh, but I do have a march pump!

Like this alot Tim!

My Story:
I have two, count 'em - TWO Black milk crates....

Not only am i a real brewer now, but i'm also an exporter!!!

and yes, the milk crates do in fact need to be black to qualify. Just like the green brewing bucket. Black buckets just don't cut it.

Accept no compromises....

the red ones, the blue ones, they are just feeble impersonators of the black milk crate and owning one does not make anybody a "real" brewer.....

i mean c'mon, no one here would dare use a RED milk crate would they???
kit and extract beermaking is GAY. Spread your cheeks an enjoy the big thrust of bland, beige beer shaft...

You suck and youre not a brewer. Deal with it...

LMFAO. Thanks Ted, I needed a good laugh. The deft touch of pure logic combined with the sledgehammer insults - hilarious!
they are just feeble impersonators of the black milk crate and owning one does not make anybody a "real" brewer.....

I would imagine that fewer people in possession of milk crates OWN said milk crates than people in possession of beer kegs who own said beer kegs...
Soon we will here that K&K is like using powdered milk - OH the travesty



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