Don't Be Disheartened By The Anti-extract Hype Of All Grain

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Thanks mate...When Im not an Internet street fighting god, Im a family man who likes to pull the xmas crackers with my kids and wear the silly hats to get into the spirit of things. I even laugh at the silly jokes they read out from the xmas cracker. As I said ...Lifes good.... :D

Theres got to be a like button here somewhere. Best reply to a fuckwod post I've seen in a while.
Onya truman,.

Sure no worries, next pic I'll take my top off for you and shave the goatee..... :D :D
Thanks mate...When Im not an Internet street fighting god, Im a family man who likes to pull... things. I even laugh at the... cracker. As I said ...Lifes good.... :D

Awesome responses Truman. You are a big man :D Bigger than me because I am just a serial picture pest.
Thanks mate...When Im not an Internet street fighting god, Im a family man who likes to pull the xmas crackers with my kids and wear the silly hats to get into the spirit of things. I even laugh at the silly jokes they read out from the xmas cracker. As I said ...Lifes good.... :D


Second what BradsBrew wrote.

"I don't see Silo_Ted coming back from this one Gene"
kit and extract beermaking is GAY. Spread your cheeks an enjoy the big thrust of bland, beige beer shaft.

Please refrain from calling it 'brewing'.

Seriously, this thread is all about releasing oppressed self humility over substandard practice. If corner-cutting is what you want to do, that's your perogative, but why bother with the bleeding heart plea for kindred spirits to uplift you failings. You suck and youre not a brewer. Deal with it, or start seeing a shrink .

Tinned soup and dolmio pasta sauce is what's wrong with society today.

Interesting that all the posturing is taking place on a thread in the K&K forum. Doesn't the AG brigade have an active forum somewhere? Or do the AG brigade all have such perfect beers that they have to come to a different forum to hang **** on other people?

I used to AG brew some 20+ years ago and it was so frustrating trying to source stuff that I simply gave up and started drinking wine.

Now, a K&K makes it easy - 2 kit cans, 3kg of wet malt, 1kg of dry, 2kg of dextrose, 1kg dark brown sugar, 1kg of barley, some liquorice, hops and chillies - and you get the perfect 15.4% beer (after about 6-12 months in the bottle).

Interesting that all the posturing is taking place on a thread in the K&K forum. Doesn't the AG brigade have an active forum somewhere? Or do the AG brigade all have such perfect beers that they have to come to a different forum to hang **** on other people?

I used to AG brew some 20+ years ago and it was so frustrating trying to source stuff that I simply gave up and started drinking wine.

Now, a K&K makes it easy - 2 kit cans, 3kg of wet malt, 1kg of dry, 2kg of dextrose, 1kg dark brown sugar, 1kg of barley, some liquorice, hops and chillies - and you get the perfect 15.4% beer (after about 6-12 months in the bottle).


Well I'm convinced. :rolleyes:
Interesting that all the posturing is taking place on a thread in the K&K forum. Doesn't the AG brigade have an active forum somewhere? Or do the AG brigade all have such perfect beers that they have to come to a different forum to hang **** on other people?

I used to AG brew some 20+ years ago and it was so frustrating trying to source stuff that I simply gave up and started drinking wine.

Now, a K&K makes it easy - 2 kit cans, 3kg of wet malt, 1kg of dry, 2kg of dextrose, 1kg dark brown sugar, 1kg of barley, some liquorice, hops and chillies - and you get the perfect 15.4% beer (after about 6-12 months in the bottle).


I have no interest in hanging **** on how peeps choose to brew. But these days with the rise of quality HBS, like you will find in the site sponsors, home brewers have a vast realm of choice when it comes grain, hops and yeast.
For me it would actually make no sense economically to use your above recipe, especially seeing as i get everything via mail.

Interesting that all the posturing is taking place on a thread in the K&K forum. Doesn't the AG brigade have an active forum somewhere? Or do the AG brigade all have such perfect beers that they have to come to a different forum to hang **** on other people?

I used to AG brew some 20+ years ago and it was so frustrating trying to source stuff that I simply gave up and started drinking wine.

Now, a K&K makes it easy - 2 kit cans, 3kg of wet malt, 1kg of dry, 2kg of dextrose, 1kg dark brown sugar, 1kg of barley, some liquorice, hops and chillies - and you get the perfect 15.4% beer (after about 6-12 months in the bottle).

That sounds delicious! mmmmmmmm

Is the the 15.4% its score out of 100?
wasnt gunna enter this one but for me 1k post here we go. Why the _uck not :rolleyes:

Brewing kits for me has been all about the much disputed learning curve... weather or not it's needed is not an opinion I wish to impose on others.

For me I have not seen the need to "step up" until I've got a few things down pat.

My Example being rinsing yeast and re-pitching....

Would I go through all the motions of a full AG brew only to cock it up with an under pitch? Much better IMO to learn those lessons from a simple kit and not have wasted the effort, water, gas, electricity and time on an AG brew but learn from the lessons it gives you and take that experience into an AG brew. (currently experiencing this very pitching issue)

Dont get me wrong here Im all for, and leaning toward AG, and have most of the equipment for a 3v put together, but I am also willing to wait until my methods and results are down pat, especially with yeast management being something I'm not currently happy with.

Ive totally enjoyed the journey thus far and expect to enjoy it into the future for many years. My only wish is that I continue to make better beer... and do not become some ******* with a snooty opinion of himself because of the fact I do AG and look down on others for not doing so.

I feel the journey is different for everybody as are our tastes.

Your Best AG V's my best kit? It's all subjective to your palate and what you like... while I admit my tastes are changing there have been many an AG brew ive drank and enjoyed there have been others Ive not.

Same as Kits.

cant we all just (drink and) get along :lol:

cant believe I wasted my 1k post on this drivel... :p

I have done 7 BIAB so far and my best kit beers with malt hops etc still tops my best BIAB so far. (I had been doing kits for a number of years though)

All my BIAB beers have been very good but have yet to get the perfect beer that I would not change anything about.

I still have a lot to learn with AG which will probably improve my beers over time.
At the moment things I need to master:
Figure out how different hop varieties contribute to the bitterness/flavour/aroma at different times in the boil taking into account nochill (did use hops in my kits but never for bitterness).
Figure out how much the mash temperatures effect the beers body / malt profile etc (also need to somehow find out if my mash thermometer is accurate)
Figure out all the different tastes that the different grains provide in varying quantities.
Figure out how much oxygenation effects the beer (at the moment I just splash when filling fermenter from no chill cube)

But the main thing is that I am enjoying brewing (I was starting to get a bit bored with the kits even though I was making good beer). I can customise the flavours a lot more when going AG.
Saying that AG is a substantially bigger time investment but as long as you enjoy it, It's all good!
I BIAB and have been for 2 years after 10 years of K&K.

I still use the ghetto-est of ghetto equipment.

I've made some good K&K beers.

My AG beers are the best, the learning curve isn't as steep as most think, neither the expense of starting to do so.

I still don't re-use yeast, still use dry yeast and there are a number of advanced things I still don't do.

Beer is still fantastic.


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