Did Michael Jackson Drink Beer ?

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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I must admit I have enjoyed many a beer whilst listening to Michael Jacksons music . :ph34r:

Following his death I would like to think that he made more people happy in his life and some of the problems he had during that time ,were due to not having a normal childhood .

dont you just love 'Smooth Criminal" with a homebrew

Pumpy :)
+1 Pumpy Smooth Criminal has to be an all time favourite with a HB :ph34r: :beer:

Edit: Grabs a hand full of own crutch and thrust hips forward :ph34r:
Edit: Grabs a hand full of own crutch and thrust hips forward :ph34r:

Chappo :icon_vomit: I just had lunch..............

BTW where were you last night you slacko?



Im sorry but even though his is dead, his music always filled me with feelings of 'meh'.
+1 Pumpy Smooth Criminal has to be an all time favourite with a HB :ph34r: :beer:

Edit: Grabs a hand full of own crutch and thrust hips forward :ph34r:



Three cherubs have already made allegations of impropriety. :ph34r:
The runours of MJ dying from a cardiac arrest are incorrect...apparently he went to a chidlren's hospital and had a stroke.........
dont you just love 'Smooth Criminal" with a homebrew

No. No I don't. His life and death both fill me with indifference.

I listened to Thriller when I was about 8.

Commotion about celebrity deaths, while no surprise given our current culture and its celebrity idolatry, kind of gives me the irrits.
He was a child molester . No pity from me. No more to say.
Good to see you've been tuning in to the 'tells-nothing-but-the-most-absolute-of-truths'-box known as a television, or have you had some sort of vacation poring over the police files and witness statements?

I'm not qualified or informed enough to make such conclusions about someone I've never even met. It may very well be the case that your comment is accurate, but it's a little presumptuous to think that you can personally be so sure. It seems that most people are happy to encourage a trial by media though. Random people marching the streets with "Schapelle is innocent" banners... Puh-lease.

Who was asking for your pity anyway? Oh, right, every time a celebrity croaks everyone has to post their (suddenly obtained) opinions on the person, or at least blindly praise someone they would otherwise have derided... or vice-versa.

If so many people want to 'honor' and 'pay tribute' to someone whose life has just ended, how about STFU and not being quite so determined to show everyone your crocodile tears.

When Farrah Fawcet got to heaven today, St Peter said Youve lived a good life, God will answer one more prayer for you before you enter heaven.

Farrah replied Im happy with what I got out of life I just ask that God protects the children.