All the cool kids are going HERMS! Now I am too.
Hopefully you guys can shed some light on a couple of niggly questions I have.
So why HERMS?
I've moved into a slightly bigger place and now have my own store room / brew room next to the garage.
So I decided no more stuffing about with buckets in pots on the stove, and trying to hoist the bloody things. I also found it difficult to get a consistent temperature throughout my pot when there was a bloody great bucket in there.
Upgrading to full 3V should give me the ability to do double batches or two brews in a single day.
Using a HERM-IT controller will hopefully make step mashing less hands on.
So, I did some trawling and picked up a 57L cooler for $155, and a cheap chinee urn for a HLT for $100. Still have my 40L aluminium pot as the kettle, which now has a 2200w element in it. When Ross gets new stock of the 70L SS pots I'll upgrade, so I can do double batches.
Made my way to Gryphon for a Herms coil, controller, false bottom, and a shed-load of stainless fittings.
Nev's service is great. In return I'm putting his kids through college.
I've spent the past few days putting it all together.
First I cleaned all the bits.
Hooked up the HLT and MLT.
Target $12 jug with HERMS coil inside, hidden behind the MLT.
I'm a bit worried about the fittings on the cooler. They're steel and heavy, while the inner wall of the cooler, which they are mounted too, is soft thin plastic.

In the build process I managed to break the brown pump due to, ahh, enthusiastic use of shifting spanners. Here you see it mounted using the silver gaffer method. More brownies are on the way.
Last night I wanted to do a test run with just water, checking for and plugging any leaks, and then giving the HERM-IT a mash run from start to finish.
I had a lot of trouble getting the pump primed and flowing.
For one thing, there is an air pocket in the hose and fittings to the false bottom. I eventually stuck my hand in and flipped it, letting the air escape. Not too keen on doing this every time - all sorts of crap could be on your hands.
Once water filled the hose from the MLT to the pump, and back out a bit, I switched on the pump. It struggled. It could barely push any more water through and in the hose exiting the pump I could see the water level as not much higher than the level in the tun. It never reached the HEX.
I had to remove my professional silver mounting system and move the pump lower, change the angles around to let air flow though, wave it around a few more times stopping and starting the pump, before water finally started flowing through the HEX and back up to the MLT.
Any tips here folks? I want to mount the pump properly and so all the moving and angling and maneuvering about is not going to work out long term. Mount it lower maybe - but then I'm increasing the head that the pump has to work against.
For the HERMS coil, buggered if I can find details or guidelines as to which direction the wort should travel. Lot's pictures in the various HERMS threads of enclosed HEX cannisters... although after examining a few diagrams I am starting to think it should be travelling UP the coil. I had it the other way around.