Did all that sorry gents, ended up back at square 1. Only think I haven't used is rice hulls. Never had this problem before too I might add.
I've also used a high wheat % before (50%) with no issues.
ED: realised I didn't include all details to avoid TL;DR. Here are the basic methods used -
- Pump off, stirred around braid, cleared as much as possible. Turned on pump, cracked 'til flow. Increased flow slightly after 1 min. Opened 80%. Came back after 20 mins, dribbling.
- As above but 45%. Same result after 2-3 mins
- As above but waited 2 mins before turning on pump.
- Losing patience with children
- Blew liquid back through braid (1-2l). Cracked 'til flow, left at 30%. Flow dropped off.
- Raised braid out and checked. Nothing untoward. Scraped out bottom of MT, pushed brain back in gently then cleared again. No improvement.
- Kicked the dog
- Blew liquid back again, no improvement.
- Left valve open 100% after clearing, same result.
- On occasions, also had to clear some air that was caught in the pump from the suction hose (take my word for it when I say that air in the pump was not causing my problems, but this didn't help the matter)
Basically tried as many times as possible and the result was always that once a few hundred ml would go through (be it just dribbling or opened up all the way) the suction would be restricted and flow would drop off.
I also recirced for the batch sparge to ensure the wort was clear for the sparge and this seemed to work a lot better.
I might open up the pump and make sure everything's good in there for the sake of it. It doesn't seem to be flowing as much as it used to but it could be all in my head.