Chridech said:
Coldspace, you don't happen to have developed an Equipment Profile (eg. Beersmith) that incorporates this technique do you? Otherwise I'll have a go using the volumes you have mentioned. Approx. what sort of efficiency does this technique give you? (again, could be derived from the figures you have quoted). You might be able to tell I'm not a seat of the pants type brewer.
Hey mate, no I've not done anything in beersmith. I only double batch receipes that use 4 to 4.5 kg grain max. Done smurtos golden ale, landlord, little creatures bright and pale ales , stout, 150 lashes plus several other receipes that use 4 to 4.5 kg grain. Also some doubles of a mid strength beer using about 6.5 kg grain which worked awesome. Bigger receipes can only be single batched as 9 kgs Of grain is absolute max. 8.5 to 8.8 is better.
Last weekend I did a double of a 150 lashes type beer. 2 x 4.4 kg grains, 8.8 all up. I tend to mill on the slightly courser crush than say what BIAB guys would do. This help with sparging. I mashed for 75 mins, sparged to it was up around 30 ltrs, then sparged another 6 ltrs with malt pipe in esky. While boil was going I kept 4 ltrs to top the gf up. I also on the recommendation of another poster boiled the other 4 ltrs I collected out of esky on my stove top. When my final additions were done at wirlpool stage I used the pot I boiled on the stove to top the gf up. I also needed approx 1 ltr of boiled water to top it to the top so I can fill my 2 x15 ltr cubes perfectly to the brim with no air space.
I achieved a 2x 15 ltr ( more like 16 ltrs after cube expansion)cube gravity of 1062 tested with my refrac and also hydro.
I have a pool, I drop these into the pool step to cool them abit quicker. Another tip I've learned from this site

I only started doing this last 6 or so brews, I do this while clean up, and after 1 hr they have cooled right down. I think the beer is a little smoother but I was always happy with prior cube elnatural cool downs.
Last night after work, I pitched these cubes into my 2 fermenters, added water upto 22 ltr mark, and resulted in a gravity of 1045. Plenty for me. This will give me 2 full cornies plus a few bottles to put away.
Sometimes I will just top upto 20 ltrs each for 2 cornies, around 1046 to 1048 gravity.
I've done this many times over past 12 months, always hit my numbers . It's fairly fool proof. I've never bothered calculating actual percentages, but comparing my single batches to doubles for same receipe I possibly suffer 5% drop but for the time saved it's worth it.
Some mates and family members brew, but only k&k or wort kits, but prefer my beers every time . I've done a couple of cubes up for my brother and close mate. They brewed them up in their fridges, and the beer comes up trumps. This is why I want to get another gf going at some stage, brew 2 x double batches simultaneously , 2 cubes for me and 2 cubes for family members in same time.
This way we can all keep our costs down, and help me cover some of my grain/hop costs. Costs me about 15 bucks per cube to cook up depending on hops. As I buy all mine in bulk now.
Better than 40 to 50 bucks per fresh wort kit, and tastier and better beers.