Coopers Sparkling Ale Fg?

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As you must brew, so you must drink
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I would of sent GMK a Pm but i am not at my normal E-mail address computer. Anyway my COOPER SPARKLNG ALE started at 1053 and is now steady at 1015 after 2 weeks. Is this normal for this beer? I did it as per the recipe ie. the kit + 1.5 of light malt extract + 500 of malt powder + 300 of DEX. Just not sure how low it will go?
Good Day
1.015 is high for the style but at about 71% ADA it is in the range for the yeast given the ingredients. It might be a bit malty and full bodied for style but should be AOK. If bolk priming prime with 120 to 140 gms Sugar ( 150-160 gms dex) or about 4 gms per long neck.

I concur with Barry's comments but ....

we cold conditioned ours for 4 weeks in the fridge...this may reduce the fg a bit more. When you bulk prime just add a little less sugar...

Taste after 2 weeks in CC as you might want to dry hop with POR....

I thought the posts were a bit out of Character....

When are you upto joining me for the next AG brew...

Thinking of
- TDA's Oatmeal stout - if i can get the recipe.
- Arragant ******* Ale Clone from Bigd.
- Thomas Hardy Barley Wine,
but if all else fails....

GMK's Coco Pop Porter.... :D as per the suggestion by a fellow AHBer.
The stout sounds good i reckon.
i don't know when i'll be able to get out there. I'll try found out when i have another weekend off.
As school days are out and most weekends are full up but i'll let you now.
Again sorry for the going over the edge.

it is about time I brewed the oatmalt stout

4kg oatmalt, 600g pale, 500g roast barley

endless time of stepmashing and a long sticky gummy sparge. . .it better had be one smooth tasty stout!

Jovial Monk
i have deleted a small part of this thread in which i believe was not needed here.
I hope too have not offended anyone and promise too behave now.
