Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

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Liam_snorkel said:
I'm not sure of the specifics of those, but say if your partner dies and you have a will with eachother as beneficiaries, the family of the deceased can contest it
Isn't that the same for staight de facto?
I made the mistake of going to the Cooper's web site and then watching the video they released. I could not finish watching it.

Just about any Hollywood director would be proud of that footage. This is a classic example of a hostage scene, where Tim and Melinda are being forced to read out a statement while the baddies have a gun pointed at their heads.
I always liked Jim Jefferies solution. If your a bloke and don't like the idea of two blokes getting married, then don't marry one, easy fix.
malt junkie said:
Or go the other way disolve all maraiges and ban wedlock entirely
I am not sure the church, whichever denomination is totally against a civil same sex marriage, I just think, and fair enough on the churches part, they should have the right to decline marrying a same sex couple without the threat of being hauled up in front of the HRC, so as malt junkie (though not ban marriage entirely) the church could be forced into the position as demonstrated by the Anglicans to refuse to conduct any marriage ceremony whatsoever.
The Family Law Act was changed in 2009 to include and define de facto relationships, including same sex, so that they are legally the same in the eyes of the law when it comes to the way they are dissolved, much the same as a marriage. Interestingly, you can be in multiple de facto relationships and you can also be in a de facto relationship with someone who is married to someone else. Even someone who was married in a church by a kiddy ******.

So whilst the god botherers may still lay claim to ownership of marriage, and the marriage act supports their view, in the eyes of the law, a de facto relationship is the same in every way. Thankfully, the laws of this country trump religious ideology.

My partner and I have been in a de facto relationship for 15 years, we chose not to get married but this is the entire point of marriage equality, we had the choice. To deny someone else that choice is discrimination. To hide behind a book is ridiculous. It's a work of fiction, modified countless times over thousands of years.

On topic, Coopers ****** up by getting involved in the marriage equality debate. If they had stuck to simply donating to the bible society, no-one would have batted an eyelid. They may now be arguing the original video had nothing to do with them but it's too late. All of their apologies look forced and fake. They'll need to put forward some really genuine and positive moves to support marriage equality to get some credibility back.

I love Tim Minchin, funny, intelligent and willing to sink the boot (sic) into religion at any chance. This is how stupid you sound trying to argue anything based on what is in your book.
Is anyone boycotting subway over there exspokesman's pedophile convictions.
According to USA Today, the document alleges that Fogle had sex with “at least two minors,” reportedly 16 and 17 years old, between 2010 and 2013. He allegedly asked one of the victims to “provide him with access to minors as young as 14 years” for sex. “The younger the girl, the better,” he allegedly said.
wynnum1 said:
Is anyone boycotting subway over there exspokesman's pedophile convictions.
According to USA Today, the document alleges that Fogle had sex with “at least two minors,” reportedly 16 and 17 years old, between 2010 and 2013. He allegedly asked one of the victims to “provide him with access to minors as young as 14 years” for sex. “The younger the girl, the better,” he allegedly said.
May as well Geoffrey the whole of the Catholic church then.
wynnum1 said:
Is anyone boycotting subway over there exspokesman's pedophile convictions.
According to USA Today, the document alleges that Fogle had sex with “at least two minors,” reportedly 16 and 17 years old, between 2010 and 2013. He allegedly asked one of the victims to “provide him with access to minors as young as 14 years” for sex. “The younger the girl, the better,” he allegedly said.
Let's boycott any company that has employed someone who, as it turned out, was a ****.
I've decided to leave my New Years resolution until 2018. I think I want to be a **** for another year
wynnum1 said:
Is anyone boycotting subway over there exspokesman's pedophile convictions.
According to USA Today, the document alleges that Fogle had sex with “at least two minors,” reportedly 16 and 17 years old, between 2010 and 2013. He allegedly asked one of the victims to “provide him with access to minors as young as 14 years” for sex. “The younger the girl, the better,” he allegedly said.
Err.. no Jared, thats not what we meant..

The conundrum for me arose a few nights ago while watching tellie with my 6yo son. One of the 'reality tv' wedding shows was being advertised. He turned around to me and said." Dad, I want you to marry Mum." I was a little stunned, but responded with "I think we need Mum's ok first, what do you think?"
I wonder if those who are against same sex marriage are also against stupid "reality" shows where people get married to each other after meeting five minutes earlier. The latter is making a far bigger mockery of marriage than same sex marriage ever has or ever will, which is none in reality.
I just ran into a couple of lezzos I know having a feed of ****** down the local bowlo and they were sloppin' down the Coopers Pale like it was nobody's business.