Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

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michaeld16 said:
I always liked Jim Jefferies solution. If your a bloke and don't like the idea of two blokes getting married, then don't marry one, easy fix.
So we haven't been talking about compulsory gay marriage this whole time? Just like, letting some gay people get married if they want to marry each other? Why all the carry on......Oh wait. Just remembered. Humans.
Rocker1986 said:
I wonder if those who are against same sex marriage are also against stupid "reality" shows where people get married to each other after meeting five minutes earlier. The latter is making a far bigger mockery of marriage than same sex marriage ever has or ever will, which is none in reality.
or divorce...(whats the current rate, something >25% of marriages end in divorce. Those damn sinners)
you know that whole 'till death to us part' thing is so inconvenient sometimes, its best just to ignore parts of the religion that aren't convenient and only practice the bits you want.. Because bacon is yummy
SBOB said:
or divorce...(whats the current rate, something >25% of marriages end in divorce. Those damn sinners)
you know that whole 'till death to us part' thing is so inconvenient sometimes, its best just to ignore parts of the religion that aren't convenient and only practice the bits you want.. Because bacon is yummy
Damn right, bacon is yummy. And shellfish ....oohhhh...a bacon and shellfish eating orgy sounds terribly sinful .

Edit- I'll definitely be off to hell if any of those shellfish are gay....or happen to be wearing mixed fabrics( as gay shellfish are known to do) or....
SBOB said:
(whats the current rate, something >25% of marriages end in divorce.
I thought it was 5% are good?. I admire them. The rest are like all sorts of ******** to levels too nasty to mention.
I'm anti Marriage. Therefore cant for the life of me understand why gays are fighting so hard for this bondage.
It's not that hard to understand, they just want the right to choose if they want to or not like everybody else can, not be told flat out that they can't. Imagine if homebrewing was only legal for certain parts of society...
I thought the real deal was love. That's not a decision. It is. To think you have to sign a legal document to make it real?
My observations is (the legal bind) is what seemed to **** up many relationships. Or that is, or was a foundation of the fall of the relationship.
Just saying. Not that I have any experience other than witnessing.

Oh, Your in love? Sign this legal binding document. :unsure:
But I do see the point. Let em roll the dice like everybody else. Just get it settled because it does seem to take up a lot of parliament time. You know how time means money etc.....
That's not really the point though. And it seems to me that in those cases the relationship would probably fail anyway. Signing a piece of paper isn't the reason why couples grow apart or one of them cheats or whatever it is that causes the break up. The point is that the gay community is being denied the right to even make that choice in the first place, simply because it doesn't line up with a belief system based on ancient fiction.

If you don't want to get married, that's fine, nobody is forcing you to do it, but it is available for those who choose to go down that path. Making same sex marriage legal will not change a thing about that, not all of them will choose to get married but the ones who do want to will be able to.

Ed: Yeah, I think they should just put their beliefs aside for the good of the wider community and legalise it already. It's been done in other countries and they don't seem to have imploded yet.
earle said:
Wow, we're so up with the times in Queensland. Only just got rid of the "Gay Panic" defence for murder.
"Gay panic'. Sounds like bulllshit jargon invented to justify the behavior some un-justifiable ****. Much like 'sexual emergency'. Nice try, *******.
Bribie G said:
Daily Mail? Come on now. "Aliens turned my son into a fish finger".
Yes, they are about on a journalistic par with Picture magazine, but the story is legit.

The good news is, if you can call it that, is the prick had his sentence increased, by a whopping 12 months. Just punishment for destroying a child's future? Not in my book.
bradsbrew said:
I am just waiting Stu's comments and how the discussion of this with his local Coopers rep at the local pub goes. :D
Phil is not religous and wont really care
Mardoo said:
I like salad.
In the pub I tend to go with the vegetable option (baked potatoes, peas and carrots and a little pepper sauce)

Chips and salad? What the **** is that? Oh dear, better offset the guilt of eating chips with some wilted lettuce a bland tomato. Yuck..

Plus, I always wash it down with a nice cold Coopers. Served in a glass like this.

Why should gays be denied the same opportunity of misery as non gays?
Dave70 said:
In the pub I tend to go with the vegetable option (baked potatoes, peas and carrots and a little pepper sauce)

Chips and salad? What the **** is that? Oh dear, better offset the guilt of eating chips with some wilted lettuce a bland tomato. Yuck..
I can't help but give a RocknRolla quote here, "Sausage and beans, all day long, mate."

Be interesting to see how Qantas CEO Alan Joyce's deal with Emirates pans out now he's signed on in the joint letter from business chiefs supporting marriage equality. Hypocritical much??
Apparently no one told him Dubai isn't keen on gays, or gay marriage.

Still, Perth to London non-stop flights might bypass any conflicts there. Maybe he's got his views ahead of the game.
Stouter said:
I can't help but give a RocknRolla quote here, "Sausage and beans, all day long, mate."

Be interesting to see how Qantas CEO Alan Joyce's deal with Emirates pans out now he's signed on in the joint letter from business chiefs supporting marriage equality. Hypocritical much??
Apparently no one told him Dubai isn't keen on gays, or gay marriage.

Still, Perth to London non-stop flights might bypass any conflicts there. Maybe he's got his views ahead of the game.
Maybe his views have absolutely nothing to do with the game. He's been openly gay for a long time and it has had zero impact on the deals and close relationship with Emirates. As it should be. Seems to me that Dubai are waaaay more intelligent and mature about this issue than some of us.