Hop to it
My man down the HB shop gave me a 25g packet of Chinookto try in my next brew which is to be an APA.
Can APA and kg BE2 with 400g LDME using I think it will be the Nottingham Yeast, also got a safale us-05 but have heard good things about the Nottingham,
What do I do with this Chinook, how much water? How Hot how long? First time boiler so be gentle... boil and steep or just boil?? :huh:
Can APA and kg BE2 with 400g LDME using I think it will be the Nottingham Yeast, also got a safale us-05 but have heard good things about the Nottingham,
What do I do with this Chinook, how much water? How Hot how long? First time boiler so be gentle... boil and steep or just boil?? :huh: