Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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As if people being offended is anything new. People arguing about the right to offend and getting their tits in a twist about free speech might remember how many have been offended by nudity, sex and blood in art, sex and violence in film, pacifism, communism, atheism, you fucken name it.

I can jump on the net and join, watch two men or women beat the **** out of each other at ufc or bellator, buy brighter death now albums, look up 'granny ***** teen' or read a forum devoted to the consumption of psychedelic drugs. I can own Salo and watch it at leisure.

The oversensitivity and sookiness people describe is everywhere, political sensitivies notwithstanding. It also is not new.
And as for 'love thy neighbour' not being made today - deadwood wouldn't have featured on prime time tv in the fucken 70s or 80s either. Mary Whitehouse would have put her foot firmly down. Tipper Gore would have insisted. For the children.

Go, you Rant thread, go.
Southpark and borat are much more recent and do a great job of offending everyone.

Psychoville and league of gentlemen are hardly pc either.

PS. I did enjoy mind your language as a kid, I just don't think we live in as sanitised a society as popular belief would have it, nor was 30 years ago some kind of untouchable golden age.
South Parks creators also do computer games, they are about to release one called "The Fractured But Whole" and have been in criticized for making the difficulty of the game correspond to your characters skin colour. So if you are white it is easier and the blacker your character is the more difficult the game gets which is set by a sliding control. Comedy gold.
Ebay gives me the *****, they are getting more controlling every year. I had a possible buyer ask me for contact details so they could view some used tyres i have for sale which is fair enough i thought, but ******* ebay wouldnt let me send the reply and when i tried to spell out my phone or email address the pricks have now blocked me from messaging for 7 days- WTF ?
Their new dipshit rule is that no one can pass on contact details till after committing to buy, what a pack of **** tards.
Ebay gives me the *****, they are getting more controlling every year. I had a possible buyer ask me for contact details so they could view some used tyres i have for sale which is fair enough i thought, but ******* ebay wouldnt let me send the reply and when i tried to spell out my phone or email address the pricks have now blocked me from messaging for 7 days- WTF ?
Their new dipshit rule is that no one can pass on contact details till after committing to buy, what a pack of **** tards.

Nasty thing about that is that they are obviously monitoring everything little thing that passes as a message.
Ebay gives me the *****, they are getting more controlling every year. I had a possible buyer ask me for contact details so they could view some used tyres i have for sale which is fair enough i thought, but ******* ebay wouldnt let me send the reply and when i tried to spell out my phone or email address the pricks have now blocked me from messaging for 7 days- WTF ?
Their new dipshit rule is that no one can pass on contact details till after committing to buy, what a pack of **** tards.
My wife was selling this decoration thing
. Sold them to someone and eBay wanted their share despite the people who bought it not having paid, they wanted to pay on pickup. So she paid ebay and the pricks that bought them never turned up or paid us and because that was right on the 30 day thing we ended up $100 Out of pocket and unable to contest it with eBay!
Its enough to give one the ***** but eBay know they are in the dominant position 170, million buyers net profit of $10 billion expected end of this year, and where else can you go to get rid of any junk or anything surplus to your needs.
They win all the way to the bank, I had a run in with them a couple of months ago, won that one but previous issues I have had with them I have got nowhere. End of the day you will use them again and they know it.
There are other alternatives to ebay. My wife has been offloading heaps of things that we no longer need, posting them for sale on a couple of local (Sunshine Coast) Facebook buy and sell pages. Admittedly the market is much smaller, but nearly everything she's posted has been sold.
There might be similar pages set up elsewhere that are worth a try.
I have to say that the savings I've made through EBay have outweighed any issues with them to date. The thing that makes me really mad is I prefer to support and buy local but a lot of items (exactly the same) have such greedy mark ups that you just can't justify it.
I have seen a report here in Melbourne a couple of years ago about a facebook page who had a massive following, started local and just spread. Not on facebook so wouldn't know how to access it.
I use eBay world wide which gives me another axe to grind with eBay is the postage from Europe for something that can be mailed over they charge $24 or some ridiculous figure I don't buy off those who have signed up to eBay International shipping alright on large items, ********* on small items.
Nasty thing about that is that they are obviously monitoring everything little thing that passes as a message.

And I've tried calling customer service (good luck) to discuss that particular point - as in, I can never get in touch with your customer service department, but the second a you perceive a possible circumvention of you ever tightening 'guidelines', its a ******* ménage à trois and suddenly, there you appear, sticking your nose into my private conversation with a potential customer, issuing me with a slap on the wrist for question asked by the customer - verbatim - 'Hey mate, can you give me a call on *** *** **** to discuss details about the flat pack units'.

As noted by a previous ranter, good for buying, but I feel about the same moral obligation toward e bay as I do the ATO - and for the that matter,the local council - who want to charge me $150 call out for a pleb with a clipboard and a ruler to ensure my pool gate sits not more than 100mm off the pavers.. Really? Really..
So there you go, two rants in one. Less if you pay cash? No worries..
EBay disallow contact outside of eBay because lots of people were advertising on ebay then giving the buyer a call direct and doing the transaction somewhere else. The eBay item is then cancelled rather than marked as sold. So ebay misses out on their fee. From their perspective its a bit like someone walking into a shop, spending a good hour or so with a sales person going over all the options and working out what is best, then buying it online...

So eBay tries to prevent you swapping contact details until after the item is paid for. Understandable really. Still annoying though.
EBay disallow contact outside of eBay because lots of people were advertising on ebay then giving the buyer a call direct and doing the transaction somewhere else. The eBay item is then cancelled rather than marked as sold. So ebay misses out on their fee. From their perspective its a bit like someone walking into a shop, spending a good hour or so with a sales person going over all the options and working out what is best, then buying it online...

So eBay tries to prevent you swapping contact details until after the item is paid for. Understandable really. Still annoying though.

Yeah, I get that. But they created that mindset in the minds of users when they started adding postage costs into the final amount from which they took their cut, and sticking it up the people who were the ones who made ebay as big as it became by turning the joint into a friggin' el cheapo $2 chinese/hong kong crap shop where it became about volume of cheap crap rather thanthe auction house which it was. Any auction alternatives which popped up where offered more money than they could refuse to sell to ebay. In the middele of all that they then tried to make it paypal only to make payments. It's rare that I put stuff up there now, I used to be able to seel stuff that went all around the world, blokes got rare st uff for a price they were willing to pay which at times went beyond a rational value, so both buyer and seller won, and ebay did well from that. Then they just said about those who helped buiuld it "**** 'em".