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Now, how the hell do you bunny hop a gutter on THAT?!

Precisely. Its simply impossible to look cool on, and by extension, impress chicks.
I'm sure this 18 century birthing chair was the design brief.

Wow. What a low life money grabbing bitch. Hope she gets the boot. (assuming the article was accurate of course)

'Fighting segregation with segregation'- spot on.
We have a few kids in our BMX club that can do that **** standing on their heads. One of the boys can nearly get halfway around the track on the back wheel

And as for jumping, some of them need parachutes

Like a ******* BOSS..

Harder? is an understatement. In this day and age of this cultural conditioning to be delicate, fragile, and easily offended its barely worth the attempt considering the possibility of being grossly misunderstood then lynched etc.
Were is simple strength of character? Killed, dead. Freedom of speech? Dead. Free thinking? dead.

You don't have to actually do anything to anyone, they only have to think or feel that they were offeneded/attacked for you to end up in the poo. And with an industry/legislation having been created which encouyrages you to FEEL offended......the wedge has well and truly been driven in. Victimhood and blame rules.
Very true madpierre, I used to enjoy Pot Black but that seems to have gone now, someone suggested calling it Pot the Balls but that was deemed to be to gender sensitive. I thought a good idea would be to call it Snooker.
Very true madpierre, I used to enjoy Pot Black but that seems to have gone now, someone suggested calling it Pot the Balls but that was deemed to be to gender sensitive. I thought a good idea would be to call it Snooker.

I grew up watching shows like Kingswood Country, Love Thy Neighbor (basically any Aus or British sit com for that matter that would never fly today) with my family and suprisingly didn't go on to become a racist.
I'm guessing because I balanced it out with the multi racial Sesame Street and later, pinko juggernauts like M.A.S.H (The post Frank Burns / canned laughter era was my favorite).
I grew up watching shows like Kingswood Country, Love Thy Neighbor (basically any Aus or British sit com for that matter that would never fly today) with my family and suprisingly didn't go on to become a racist.
I'm guessing because I balanced it out with the multi racial Sesame Street and later, pinko juggernauts like M.A.S.H (The post Frank Burns / canned laughter era was my favorite).

Love Thy Neighbour was good at pointing out what a pair of nobs both blokes were....let's not forget The Naked Vicar Show and The Samuel Pepys Show....
you forgot - Death Do Us Part. now that would do well today. But have to admit Love Thy Neighbor would cause riots today.
You don't have to actually do anything to anyone, they only have to think or feel that they were offeneded/attacked for you to end up in the poo. And with an industry/legislation having been created which encouyrages you to FEEL offended......the wedge has well and truly been driven in. Victimhood and blame rules.
I know its sad. Strength of character is NEVER encouraged. Used be be a philosophy so simple was taught to children.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Were did that go?
Or as for pesting antagonists (teasers etc) that can now be labeled as Trolls. Ignore them they will go away. No response defuses the will for them to continue but not this day and age. We feed the Trolls! Giving them the attention that they seek. That can even be said for Terrorists. They seek the fame and attention and boy do we give it to them. Empowering their weapon which is a psychological weapon over the masses. Since they don't have weapons of mass destruction that is their greatest weapon and we maintain it very well for them.
you forgot - Death Do Us Part. now that would do well today. But have to admit Love Thy Neighbor would cause riots today.

And if those rioters put their predictable knee jerk grievance mongering to one side an actually paid attention, they might soon realize the synopsis was more or less a pudgy white bigot married to a dowdy slapper routinely being outwitted by a black guy with a bodacious wife, who never took his ****.
The joke was on Eddie Booth. Everybody, including his missus thought he was a ******* tool. Not everybody gets irony.
This is how we wind up with the likes of Big Bang Theory, That 70s Show and reality TV. Thank Allah for the likes of South Park, Peep Show and Family Guy.
And if those rioters put their predictable knee jerk grievance mongering to one side an actually paid attention, they might soon realize the synopsis was more or less a pudgy white bigot married to a dowdy slapper routinely being outwitted by a black guy with a bodacious wife, who never took his ****.
The joke was on Eddie Booth. Everybody, including his missus thought he was a ******* tool. Not everybody gets irony.
This is how we wind up with the likes of Big Bang Theory, That 70s Show and reality TV. Thank Allah for the likes of South Park, Peep Show and Family Guy.
They don't say 'black' anymore Dave all the newsreaders say is, 'of African appearance'
Would love for a news reader to say the perpetrator was last seen running in an easterly direction wearing a pair of candy striped pants singing "do da do da day"
They don't say 'black' anymore Dave all the newsreaders say is, 'of African appearance'
Would love for a news reader to say the perpetrator was last seen running in an easterly direction wearing a pair of candy striped pants singing "do da do da day"
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Expect that to be a thing of the past shortly also. I cant remember where I read the story, but some Victorian coppers wound up in hot water for having the audacity to point out that the Melbournes Apex gang was comprised mainly of Sudanese and Pacific Islander youths. Despite the fact that it is. What racists.