An Ankoù
Well-Known Member
C'est la reine qui est morte!
Vive le roi!
C'est la reine qui est morte!
Why was the Aussie so clean? He took daily barramundi showers!Ok I'll kick off with a couple.
Did you hear about the masochist who loved to take cold showers so he didn't.
Paddy and Seamus had missed the last bus and were walking home at midnight, when they passed the bus depot. A window was open so Paddy hopped in to steal a bus. After much banging and crashing Paddy came back out through the window.
"We're out of luck, Seamus, there wasn't a number 153 in there"
"Bloody Idiot Paddy you could have nicked a number 180 and we could have walked from the roundabout....."