Continuing Jokes Thread

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Would make a good name for a beer.

Eg, Penultimate Lager - you always have one more to go.
from the english comedy show bottom (if anyone knows it) Aid makes his uncles famous brew called "weapons grade lager" it completely ***** your mind, one sip and you forget the previous 24hours
Found this in an overland travel company's internal staff newsletter from 1976.

The Guv shows how the existence of bacon proves the existence of God.

... and a contemporary take on the same theme - the Corona Virus Steeplechase:

And a bit more of Peter Cook in 'The Great Train Robbery' playing a typically obtuse and contrarian copper.

Very old New Jersey joke:

An elderly Jewish guy and an Asian guy were seated next to each other on a flight out of New York..

J: "I'm Saul Goldberg."
A: "I'm Kim Song."
J: "So, vere you come from?"
A: "Korea."
Long pause, then J: "I just want you to know I don't blame you for bombing Pearl Harbour."
A: "Get your facts straight. Japanese did that."
J: "Japanese, Chinese, Korean, vat's the difference?"
Long pause. A: "Good, then I won't blame you for sinking the Titanic."
J: "Vat are you, meshuggah? An iceberg did that."
A: "Iceberg, Goldberg, Rosenberg, vat's the difference?"