Is it time for the bad jokes yet?
Two sausages in a frying pan, one says to the other "Christ it's hot in here" The other sausage says "Ahhh, a talking sausage!"
So a rabbit walks into a bar, hops up to the barman. Barman asks the rabbit "What can I get for you?" and the rabbit sees it's lunchtime and orders a toasted cheese sandwich. He goes off to his table and enjoys his lunch, waves goodbye to the barman and hops off.
Next day at lunch the rabbit comes back, remembering how good the food was. Barman asks "Toasted cheese sandwich again?" but the rabbit says "I think today I'll have some ham on it, please". He gobbles down his cheese and ham toastie and hops off.
Next day he's back again, only instead of a cheese and ham today he orders cheese and pickle, gulps it down, waves goodbye and hops off.
At the end of the week the rabbit comes back again, and he's clearly in a bad way. His fur's falling out in clumps, he's mostly blind and he can barely hop up to the barstool he's so sick. "Holy s**t!", says the barman, "what the hell happened to you?" The rabbit looks at the barman with his glazed-over eyes and coughs. "I think I must have mixed my toasties..."
I don't care if it's not time for bad jokes, here's one anyway...
Peter gets shipwrecked.
When he wakes up, he's on a beach.
The sand is purple. He can't believe it.
The sky is purple.
He walks around a bit and sees that there is purple grass, purple birds and purple fruit on the purple trees.
He's shocked when he finds that his skin is starting to turn purple too.
"Oh no!!" he says, "I think I've been marooned!!"