I love bulk buys. It's like the case swap for some people here. One of the joys of being on AHB - you get to meet a great bunch of like-minded people on collection day, and you get a great price on the goods.
I've been involved in 3 Melb grain buys, including one organised by Haysie, and a more recent one by Stubbie and they ran like clockwork and used reputable suppliers/sponsors. I agree with many of the comments about the Chinese Hop BB - it was a very speculative buy, and the supplier was from the 'great unknown' but that was spelt out early and one of the reasons I didn't dip in. I figured 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is.'
I think if you are going to go in for these things, you have to be cautious. I think that getting mod approval, whilst slowing things up a little is a good thing - and as a community we have been lucky some shyster hasn't come along and arsed up our Bulk Buy system, fleeced members, and ruined it for everyone.
Long live the Bulk Buy! (oh, and having them back on the main boards would be nice too, but didn't realise you can subscribe for notifications from this section of the forum - so reckon I'll do that now.)