Chinese Hops? What Next

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why don't you start up a business if this hop things so successfull, and have a link to your site from this board so if people want to order hops they can do so. It would save you having to use the board!!!

Do you even understand the concept behind a bulk buy?
Do you even understand the concept behind a bulk buy?

I doubt it from the posting.

he thinks for some strange reason I am out to make money on this

FOLISH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brilliant work Scruffy. That article is exciting reading, these jokers are really on the ball. Interesting that their technology and advisors come from Eastern Europe e.g. Czech republic. Also I note that as their systems improve they are aiming to change their current crop of 90% bittering to 10% aromatic, and achieve 70% bittering to 30% aromatic.

So the speculation that 'they are only in it for the alpha' doesn't hold water.

Also I see that the crop is tended by strapping healthy Uighur mommas :) Now I'm getting excited for the arrival :party:

Even if they are only 'in it for the alpha' whats wrong with that? Look at some of the high alpha bittering hops from the US which still have awesome aroma properties, think of columbus, simcoe, chinook :icon_drool2:
in regards to the OP 'what's next'....Imported Chinese Flats is what's next
My brother in law's neighbours over the road in Beacon Hill, Sydney, built a shell of a house and then several Chinese containers arrived with a completely made-up set of toilets, showers, doors and knobs FFS , plumbing, air conditioning and even the remote control sliding security gate out front ..... Mind it took local tradies a month to get the stuff to interface with Sydney infrastructure and modify things like the wiring and power points to Australian standards and get the Warringah building inspectors to sign off on it all, but apparently he got out of the deal for half the price of buying Australian. Gate broke down after a month however :lol:

Here's an idea, there's a Sydney North Shore guy who hops on the forum from time to time, Fermented - top bloke and I had a piss up with him and his lovely Chinese wife at James Squire in February. She's from a fairly entrepreneurial upper class family in China and they spend a lot of time there, and Fermented does a lot of importing at good prices, that's what he does. He might be a guy to contact re shipping, customs, agents whatever for future buys and maybe for more than 'just' hops. He would be a mine of good info.
as this seems a thread where it is ok to pesonally attack anyone who dares disagree with the current hop buy i thought i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too(hopefully with better answers than, go away troll, look at your post count before having an opinion,you must be pissed or mind your own business)

firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

finally i suppose if all the above sponsors close or havent got the money to be a sponsor there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers:
At least one of the above sponsors is in on the buy. I don't think you need to worry on their behalf too much.

As for your other points - what Australian based retailers even sell these Chinese grown varieties? Makes your point look pretty jingoistic, cobber.

[EDIT: Don't ever look at eBay, beachy. You'll have a stroke!]
as this seems a thread where it is ok to pesonally attack anyone who dares disagree with the current hop buy i thought i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too(hopefully with better answers than, go away troll, look at your post count before having an opinion,you must be pissed or mind your own business)

firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

finally i suppose if all the above sponsors close or havent got the money to be a sponsor there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers:

1. One of said sponsors is also involved in said bulk buy.
2. All of my salary is spent in retailers/companies/banks. I have spent ******* $42.50 on an overseas companies.
3. Lets line up and abuse/have a go at anyone who has spent there australian money on an overseas holiday when they could of holidayed in australia.

as this seems a thread where it is ok to pesonally attack anyone who dares disagree with the current hop buy i thought i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too(hopefully with better answers than, go away troll, look at your post count before having an opinion,you must be pissed or mind your own business)

firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

finally i suppose if all the above sponsors close or havent got the money to be a sponsor there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers:

I take it you only buy Australian Hops, Australian malt, Australian Yeast (if they exist), Australian Products.

With all the hops that everyone is buying, guess where all the malt, yeast, adjuncts and equipment to make all the beer will be coming from....................thats right, from the LHBS that sponsor this forum.
firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

Oh you mean those same bastards who want to sell me a digital audio cable or component video cable set for $130 for the same $12 US Dollar cable overseas and say its justified because it is "Dolby Certified" (same as the US cable by the way)

Go take a hike and come back when you are living on planet earth!

Or better yet keep buying and supporting the supply chains charging you $130 dollars for $12 items everywhere else in the rest of the planet because everyone else has decided to vote with their wallets and not do so any more. If the demand is for Chinese hops because they turn out to be bloody brilliant then the supply chains will have to have a bumrush turnaround and switch gears and import them if this demand of yours that you say is so great will hurt their bottom line. Imagine that, Australian consumers for the first time dictating moves and changes in the free market by voting with their wallets!

The rest of us have internet and google search and amazon at our disposal to find out what the rest of the world is paying for our vastly overpriced and often shrunken sized equivalent goods in every market sector!

You really take the cake mate!

Better yet, can't wait until you retire and find out like 98% of the population that the cost of living is so high that you all will fall below the poverty line in living even though living in the greatest country on earth. That will wipe the smile off your face quick smart. BTW Rudd is pulling your super contribution caps down low so you will be the highest debted generation and the least likely to have free disposable income to put into super and you will be the least prepared and the least likely to build up a super that will sustain you through retirement. Enjoy your life!

The 40 year olds of Oz are fecked! All the money went to paying off the Mortgage and nothing into Super as waiting for the 50's. Now they are completely ruined for any retirement comfort.

Brewer Pete
Making beers with German and English Malts, American Yeasts, and hops from around the world.
firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there)

Buying Australian isn't the be all and end all. There's no point in propping up inefficient local businesses. We live in a global economy, and if it's cheaper for me to buy something from overseas, well I'll do that because money talks. I have no qualms about that, and the whole buy local thing seems illogical, an idea spawned from an 80's advertising campaign. If we're not good at an industry, we shouldn't be trying to do it on the world stage. If there's countries out there that can do it better, let them do it and let us get on with doing what we do well. Having said that, I don't think this argument is even relevant for a hops bulk buy. Bulk buy refers to buying large amounts, and often this can be done direct from the supplier. It doesn't mean that I'll never buy hops locally again - I will as there's only a small selection of hops available here, and who knows what the quality will be like?

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

Maybe, but at those prices, why wouldn't you want to find out for sure? And if they turn out to be average, we won't buy them again, but very little lost initially...

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

Are you suggesting that the moderators should be banning this sort of thread? Surely this is a free economy and people should be allowed to trade what they like? Sponsoring this site doesn't allow them sole access to supply to us homebrewers, it just provides advertising space for market awareness. And if the sponsor is good, then we'll shop there. Personally I use the sponsors and I will do again, but I'm happy to take part in this bulk buy as I'm interested in the hops at the given price.
thats right, from the LHBS that sponsor this forum.

or your LHBS that doesnt sponsor this forum. Like I said a few hundred posts above, I won't want to brew all my beers with the hop options that im buying. Exactly the same as the last bulk buy Graham organised in 2006 I bought locally to make different beers.
as this seems a thread where it is ok to pesonally attack anyone who dares disagree with the current hop buy i thought i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too(hopefully with better answers than, go away troll, look at your post count before having an opinion,you must be pissed or mind your own business)

firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

finally i suppose if all the above sponsors close or havent got the money to be a sponsor there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers:

You'd better stop buying Czech, US, UK and NZ hops too. Would you believe that they're imported too!?

If Graham had instead proposed a bulk buy from an unknown grower from a non traditional growing area in any of those "traditional" growing countries just listed, would you blink an eye before ordering? Or would you rather just pay hand over fist for everything just because you can afford to?

Any of the forum supporters *not* on the buy in some way, shape or form should be embarrassed. There is obviously consumer demand, and if I were a retailer, I would have offered to facilitate and take a slice of the pie, under the terms of the buy there is essentially zero risk to the facilitator and everything to gain.
QUOTE (beachy @ Oct 6 2009, 05:05 PM)
" hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"??

So would I.

The reality is, people will pay less for something if they can.

Take our so called Australian companies like Telstra and Pacific Brands who have sacked 100's/ 1000's of Australian jobs and have shipped their business overseas in order to save money.

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