Chinese Hops? What Next

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see there people go, prejudging things

all because I cant spell (and type) you wonder about the hop deal. How does it relate to my organisational skills

I take it you only buy Australian Hops, Australian malt, Australian Yeast (if they exist), Australian Products.

With all the hops that everyone is buying, guess where all the malt, yeast, adjuncts and equipment to make all the beer will be coming from....................thats right, from the LHBS that sponsor this forum.

Exactly, as I said much .. much earlier in this thread
I'll be spending much more with the sponsors than I would otherwise as I'm ramping up my brew schedule to use up some of these unknown hops.

I'll be buying extra gear from Beerbelly - lots of stuff from craftbrewer and might even make the daytrip back to grainandgrape for some extra stuff.
My lhbs? well right now except for really basic junk - that's Ross at Craftbrewer.

Be realistic folks the brewing community as a whole will save money where they can.
the only difference with this buy is that the product quality is unknown - why not let the adventurous ones throw away
their money to find out if they're good, bad or totally toxic?

Those of you who see this buy as undermining the whole fabric of the aussie HBS industry need to take a reality check
There is a thread discussing buying Amarillo direct from the States at the moment. Not a single mention of fat, insular, cultural imperialists so far.

Nor anyone pointlessly making fun of American accents either.

Y'all see how the ******* cow is going to sit in the cabbage patch after this swell bulk buy, buddy. I opine this bodacious purchase from the Chinee will stir up them retailers like a nest of Louisiana possums with a bloodhound diggin at them.

And If you MUST know, certain interest groups have tried to stop this


There is a thread discussing buying Amarillo direct from the States at the moment. Not a single mention of fat, insular, cultural imperialists so far.

Nor anyone pointlessly making fun of American accents either.

Accent - already covered - thanks Bribie

But what if the Imperialist dogs are feeding us these "hops" to turn us into unhealthy fat Americans!!!! No no, I tell you,
stick with your southern hemisphere friends.

[attempt at humor]
sure your not.....

And If you MUST know, certain interest groups have tried to stop this



Knew the haters of bulk purchases wouldn't be far away :rolleyes: .
Oh dear


Edit: Mind you I'd kill to still have that much hair. Just wikied him and he's actually two years older than me and I look far better with my shirt off haahahahhhhha who would have thought it.

I also am the same age as Olivia Newton John but don't look as good with my shirt off. ;)
You'd think bulk buys were illegal and we were breaking the law.
Gone are the good old days when BBs were a highlight in the brewing year.

It's all summed up in a saying that "Money talks and ******* walks".

So put your money where your mouth as in get on the buy is or just shut up and walk away. Opinions are like noses, everyone has them but yours is not better than anyone else's. If you want to talk buy some and then pay for lab work and then come on and post your opinion with something to back it up.

I'm also sure China made 3rd largest supplier worldwide on the international hop market where Australia and New Zealand don't even show up as a tiny blip on the market radar by selling dodgy hops to everyone around the globe.

Hey Michael -- I reckon if not for a smooth pouring southern tasty hoppy beer those Chinee hops will make a mighty fine coon bait in one of my ol' coon traps out I got piled up on my porch just out back behin' ya dere. Just have to move my old hound dog first, but I warn ya, he be a lazy dawg, he be a layin' on a rust ol nail that be a pokin' on up out of dem planks dere and he a hollas like he be in a mighty deep pain but will he get up and move? no sir! mighty lazy dawg if I ever did saw one!

Brewer Pete
Hey Michael -- I reckon if not for a smooth pouring southern tasty hoppy beer those Chinee hops will make a mighty fine coon bait in one of my ol' coon traps out I got piled up on my porch just out back behin' ya dere. Just have to move my old hound dog first, but I warn ya, he be a lazy dawg, he be a layin' on a rust ol nail that be a pokin' on up out of dem planks dere and he a hollas like he be in a mighty deep pain but will he get up and move? no sir! mighty lazy dawg if I ever did saw one!

Brewer Pete
How would one type this out - if one were so inclined?

uh... :icon_offtopic:

Oops! Forgot about the swearing, ****. Sorry.
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I was thinking sumin' mo like a dis dere

Brewer Pete
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Oh where oh where do i start with this dribble

Just get the napkin and wipe his face, oh cant, never seen **** come out of the face that bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>>>>i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too<<<<

One of my many sayings "Never argue with idiots, they only bring the argument down to their level and beat you with experience". BUT for you I'll make an exception.

Firstly, anyone who LOYALLY follows me is wise not too. I express my opinion openly and without fear. Here i do respect your opinion by the way. GOOD TO SEE. But to say actually follow me - please mate, they have their own opinions, respect theirs as i respect yours.

I would beat and hope by the way, people will disagree with me also.

>>>>> i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)<<<

what a lot of emotional twaddle. Wake up to real world of globalisation. Just as China is taking out gas at dirt cheap prices, whats wrong with getting something back. The days of the corner shop, servicing the local community is gone for the moment. Its a global world. Yes I may want back the local milkman, vege man, fishmunger, baker going down the street each day to service me - BUT IT AINT GOING TO HAPPEN. times change, get used to it.

And business needs to get used to it too. Change with the times or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE YOU BASTARD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>>>secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz <<<<<

excuss me - BUT if you have never known, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A HOP SHORTAGE - oh thats right you dont listen to my radio program. The so called shortage is nothing more than suppliers not sourcing hops where they are grown. ALL I did was "go to the source"

I have been spelling this out for years, BUT then again, idiots dont listen. Some guy says there is a hop shortage and you all believe him. Ignorance is bliss, BUT dont lay that lie at me

>>>>>thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum <<<<<

and so, I have been on forums where "sponsors" contol the content. Take Whirlpool - so heavily censored if you critise a sponsor the thread is deleted. Thats not free speach. I have far FAR more respect for a sponsor who listens to the customers, see opportunities, and not affraid to jump. I mention those on my radio show. AND I DO SO WITHOUT BEING PAID A CENT - right Ross.

>>>>> there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers: <<<<

Hey my ego is legendary and not to be messed with. I'll say this again to those who may not grasp a very simple concept. I l;earnt a lot from people giving away free information to me. Makes me "The Most Egostatical Brewer On The WWW". I give back to the hobby free of charge, because it will help others

Get this those doubters _ free , oh didnt get it FREE

Yes if there is a hole I'll step in. I for one will help out

now where is that sainthood I should get


dont know about a sainthood what about a TOOL of the week award for townsville im pulling out of you bulky townsy u r a dead set SPANKER keep your hops & your attitude
Dont you love free speech

Lets idiots truly show themselves, Bit like some we HAVE to listen too

I would ban all idiots from voting, BUt if I did that, only 10% of the population would be allowed to vote

Not a bad thing

dont know about a sainthood what about a TOOL of the week award for townsville im pulling out of you bulky townsy u r a dead set SPANKER keep your hops & your attitude

Got the tool already, might just give it a wrench tonight

Dont you love free speech

Lets idiots truly show themselves, Bit like some we HAVE to listen too

I would ban all idiots from voting, BUt if I did that, only 10% of the population would be allowed to vote

Not a bad thing


its hard to belive people are tolerating you just for cheap hops
Jesus Christ. Why does anyone care so much that about 20 odd people are buying some cheap stuff overseas? They'll still buy other stuff from local retailers becaue it's convenient and you need more than hops to make beer and quite frankly it's none of your sodding business what people do with their money. In total I think it's less than 1 ton of hops.

1 ton. Just think about that on a world scale and while you're thinking about it try shutting up and pissing off. It's a bulk buy which helps a small community. This is a small community that helps itself (and which includes a lot of retailers - independent and franchised and Australian owned).

If you want controversy, go watch a passolini film.

Best of luck to the buy.

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