Chinese Hops? What Next

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QUOTE (beachy @ Oct 6 2009, 05:05 PM)

Take our so called Australian companies like Telstra and Pacific Brands who have sacked 100's/ 1000's of Australian jobs and have shipped their business overseas in order to save money.

Go QANTAS! :ph34r:

Australian company loyalty to employees and the country, Non Existent!

Brewer Pete
Take our so called Australian companies like Telstra and Pacific Brands who have sacked 100's/ 1000's of Australian jobs and have shipped their business overseas in order to save money.

The economics of supply and demand, however, has meant that a lot of companies are now bringing their call centres back to Australia, as customers place a high value on customer service. Local call centres are often able to provide a better customer service due to less language barriers, and customers vote with their business by going to businesses with local call centres. Economics seems to sort these things out in the long run...
Apart from a shrink of POR flowers and a shrink of Superpride, all my hops are from the USA, New Zealand, Germany, Slovenia or the UK. They were bought through a sponsor at the top of the page (and a couple from GnG to take advantage of freight when I got some Starsan from them).

What I'm hoping is that the sponsor who has ordered several kilos will put them in shrinks and sell them for maybe three or four bucks and still make a motza in markup. If they prove to be good hops then when my couple of kilos run out I'll be more than happy to by them by the shrink at such prices. Look at the prices now being demanded by the hop growers in the Cascadia region of the USA which is being translated into retail prices here. Thirteen bucks for a 90g of Chinook etc. They can go and bite their bums (apologies to USA members like Newguy, nothing personal here at all).

This current bulk buy will pass, as all things do, but the long term effect on the local retail market will I believe be immense. Not because of this little bulk buy in itself but because enterprising Retailers such as Ross are now jumping in and exploring (and professionally testing) new channels of supply. Personally I don't care if Ross (for example) buys wholesale from China, UK, USA or Germany, at the end of the day if he can offer me a good hop for three or four bucks a pack I'll willingly buy.

I get the feeling that a lot of the "Buy Australian" sentiment on the forum is more an Anti-Chinese sentiment. Would the same opinions be circulated if a channel of supply of Amarillo or Cascade pellets from the USA at ten bucks a kilo - hypothetically - became available? I think not.
The economics of supply and demand, however, has meant that a lot of companies are now bringing their call centres back to Australia, as customers place a high value on customer service. Local call centres are often able to provide a better customer service due to less language barriers, and customers vote with their business by going to businesses with local call centres. Economics seems to sort these things out in the long run...

If thats the case, then Great! At least consumers are dictating the markets with their wallets and not the other way.
Ross has balls, big hairy ones! --ask Michael he's seen them!

I'll support Ross if we find out the hops are absolutely fantastic and he wants to bring them in for himself and gladly give him the extra cut for his effort. We can even orgainise with retailers like this to do bulk buys as new market and hop tests to see what hops are the go or not while letting them not take as huge of a risk on an unknown product. We find out whats good and he gets the business by bringing in what we like and want.

If it was not for him we still wouldn't have TempMate, wish he'd get the whole MillMaster sorted though :p -poke-

Brewer Pete
I get the feeling that a lot of the "Buy Australian" sentiment on the forum is more an Anti-Chinese sentiment. Would the same opinions be circulated if a channel of supply of Amarillo or Cascade pellets from the USA at ten bucks a kilo - hypothetically - became available? I think not.

There is a thread discussing buying Amarillo direct from the States at the moment. Not a single mention of fat, insular, cultural imperialists so far.

Nor anyone pointlessly making fun of American accents either.
Apart from a shrink of POR flowers and a shrink of Superpride, all my hops are from the USA, New Zealand, Germany, Slovenia or the UK. They were bought through a sponsor at the top of the page (and a couple from GnG to take advantage of freight when I got some Starsan from them).

What I'm hoping is that the sponsor who has ordered several kilos will put them in shrinks and sell them for maybe three or four bucks and still make a motza in markup. If they prove to be good hops then when my couple of kilos run out I'll be more than happy to by them by the shrink at such prices. Look at the prices now being demanded by the hop growers in the Cascadia region of the USA which is being translated into retail prices here. Thirteen bucks for a 90g of Chinook etc. They can go and bite their bums (apologies to USA members like Newguy, nothing personal here at all).

This current bulk buy will pass, as all things do, but the long term effect on the local retail market will I believe be immense. Not because of this little bulk buy in itself but because enterprising Retailers such as Ross are now jumping in and exploring (and professionally testing) new channels of supply. Personally I don't care if Ross (for example) buys wholesale from China, UK, USA or Germany, at the end of the day if he can offer me a good hop for three or four bucks a pack I'll willingly buy.

I get the feeling that a lot of the "Buy Australian" sentiment on the forum is more an Anti-Chinese sentiment. Would the same opinions be circulated if a channel of supply of Amarillo or Cascade pellets from the USA at ten bucks a kilo - hypothetically - became available? I think not.
++1 Bribie Could not have said it better. and in fact I didnt,
I get the feeling that a lot of the "Buy Australian" sentiment on the forum is more an Anti-Chinese sentiment. Would the same opinions be circulated if a channel of supply of Amarillo or Cascade pellets from the USA at ten bucks a kilo - hypothetically - became available? I think not.

Good point BribieG.

Thats also been my observation all along. All you have to do is read post #5, #7, #9, #10, #12, #13, #15, #20, (and the list goes on) to see all the anti-chinese sentiments that have expressed

With all grain bulk buys that have been organised in the past, no one has ever objected to cheaper prices for english or german malts, yet suddenly when cheaper priced hops from China become available, a big unwarranted fiasco breaks loose about quality and Australian LHBS going bust.
Even a frat skeen prasma.

Nor anyone pointlessly making fun of American accents either.

That was actually a dig at the anti chinese buying sentiment. But honestly I do like laughing at different accents, doesnt matter of race, accents are funny. And if you cant laugh at that without being frowned upon this world is really f#cked.
There is a thread discussing buying Amarillo direct from the States at the moment. Not a single mention of fat, insular, cultural imperialists so far.

Nor anyone pointlessly making fun of American accents either.

You're right Bum. Not one mention about the quality of the hops, not one asking for the hops to be tested for heavy metals, not one commenting that the importation of american hops with kill australian LHBS.

Goes to show that all the anti-chinese hop posts we've seen here is purely racially motivated!!!
That was actually a dig at the anti chinese buying sentiment.

I can see that and I wasn't having a go at you specifically (I can see why my post's proximity to yours would make it look like it was). There are contexts for accent-related jokes - I'm just not sure many of them are present in the r/l jokes in this thread.
as this seems a thread where it is ok to pesonally attack anyone who dares disagree with the current hop buy i thought i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too(hopefully with better answers than, go away troll, look at your post count before having an opinion,you must be pissed or mind your own business)

firstly to all those people who say look where your shirt or tv come from to justify this buy i want to ask you did you buy your shirt/tv etc from a retailer in AUSTRALIA who employes people in AUSTRALIA who spend their wages in another retailer in AUSTRALIA and on it goes (i think there is a pattern forming there) OR did you buy it DIRECT from the overseas manufacturer after asking all your neighbours " hey who wants a cheap tv with no warranty"?? i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)

secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz AND they are prepared to basically give them away (compared to what they should be worth to a brewery if they are good quality and what the label says they are) to australian home brewers? has anyone involved in this heard the saying if it sounds too good to be true......

thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum it would seem that these sponsors are not actually very valuable to the existance of this forum if this blatent attempt to hurt them is allowed to continue?

finally i suppose if all the above sponsors close or havent got the money to be a sponsor there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers:

Oh where oh where do i start with this dribble

Just get the napkin and wipe his face, oh cant, never seen **** come out of the face that bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>>>>i would put my opinion and see if mr townsville and his loyal followers can "'bury" me too<<<<

One of my many sayings "Never argue with idiots, they only bring the argument down to their level and beat you with experience". BUT for you I'll make an exception.

Firstly, anyone who LOYALLY follows me is wise not too. I express my opinion openly and without fear. Here i do respect your opinion by the way. GOOD TO SEE. But to say actually follow me - please mate, they have their own opinions, respect theirs as i respect yours.

I would beat and hope by the way, people will disagree with me also.

>>>>> i also hope that none of you people have a family member who works in ANY retail shop selling anything(hardware,food,clothing,car parts,etc,etc)<<<

what a lot of emotional twaddle. Wake up to real world of globalisation. Just as China is taking out gas at dirt cheap prices, whats wrong with getting something back. The days of the corner shop, servicing the local community is gone for the moment. Its a global world. Yes I may want back the local milkman, vege man, fishmunger, baker going down the street each day to service me - BUT IT AINT GOING TO HAPPEN. times change, get used to it.

And business needs to get used to it too. Change with the times or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE YOU BASTARD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>>>secondly doesnt anyone think it is strange with the current world hop shortage that this company has a fresh supply of two of the most prized hops in the world in cascade and saaz <<<<<

excuss me - BUT if you have never known, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A HOP SHORTAGE - oh thats right you dont listen to my radio program. The so called shortage is nothing more than suppliers not sourcing hops where they are grown. ALL I did was "go to the source"

I have been spelling this out for years, BUT then again, idiots dont listen. Some guy says there is a hop shortage and you all believe him. Ignorance is bliss, BUT dont lay that lie at me

>>>>>thirdly surely this buy is way bigger than what is meant to be ADVERTISED through this forum and as such is seriously damaging the retailers that SPONSOR this forum <<<<<

and so, I have been on forums where "sponsors" contol the content. Take Whirlpool - so heavily censored if you critise a sponsor the thread is deleted. Thats not free speach. I have far FAR more respect for a sponsor who listens to the customers, see opportunities, and not affraid to jump. I mention those on my radio show. AND I DO SO WITHOUT BEING PAID A CENT - right Ross.

>>>>> there will always be mr townsville ready to save the masses and the lone sponsors slogan might be TOWNSVILLE HOMEBREW "cheap and nasty brewing supplies no guarantee,no commitment,only available when i need my massive ego stroked" :icon_chickcheers: <<<<

Hey my ego is legendary and not to be messed with. I'll say this again to those who may not grasp a very simple concept. I l;earnt a lot from people giving away free information to me. Makes me "The Most Egostatical Brewer On The WWW". I give back to the hobby free of charge, because it will help others

Get this those doubters _ free , oh didnt get it FREE

Yes if there is a hole I'll step in. I for one will help out

now where is that sainthood I should get

You spelled spelled wrong.
pun intended,


spelt 2 (spělt)
v. A past tense and a past participle of spell1.

Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
dont you drongo's know,

1. my spelling is terrible
2. I also say things all worng


3. I dont care

You get the message

dont you drongo's know,

1. my spelling is terrible
2. I also say things all worng


3. I dont care

You get the message


lets hope that you don't **** the hop deal up then, yeah!