Chinese Hops? What Next

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Anyway, what sort of postage are people thinking of using for their hops? I'm ordering 3kg and am wondering what size postpak/box would be fine to hold it all.

Still 5 or 6 weeks to arrival P&C. All will be revealed in due course I'm sure, although I must admit I'm glad I've volunteered to help split the hops. :p

Still 5 or 6 weeks to arrival P&C. All will be revealed in due course I'm sure, although I must admit I'm glad I've volunteered to help split the hops. :p


From what I understand it's the receiver who need to decide what postage is appropriate, so I was asking if anyone knows both how much volume 3kg of hops would be and what sort of postage would be best for said hops.
From what I understand it's the receiver who need to decide what postage is appropriate, so I was asking if anyone knows both how much volume 3kg of hops would be and what sort of postage would be best for said hops.


TTBOMM from previous posts it seems that 3.00Kg of hop pellets will be a tight fit in a 3.00kg Post Pak.
As it's hops & without any sort of cooling agent I would be looking at getting them delivered ASAP which I suppose does mean Express Post 3kg Satchel anyway as I have just checked Aust Post & find it's cheaper to buy these in lots of 10 or more ----- Look HERE. Don't know about WA though? :(


TTBOMM from previous posts it seems that 3.00Kg of hop pellets will be a tight fit in a 3.00kg Post Pak.
As it's hops & without any sort of cooling agent I would be looking at getting them delivered ASAP which I suppose does mean Express Post 3kg Satchel anyway as I have just checked Aust Post & find it's cheaper to buy these in lots of 10 or more ----- Look HERE. Don't know about WA though? :(


Hmm, I'll probably get the 5kg pack to be sure then- best to have margin for error, eh?

Err... I'm in SA.
Anyway, what sort of postage are people thinking of using for their hops? I'm ordering 3kg and am wondering what size postpak/box would be fine to hold it all.
TTBOMM from previous posts it seems that 3.00Kg of hop pellets will be a tight fit in a 3.00kg Post Pak.
Hmm, I'll probably get the 5kg pack to be sure then- best to have margin for error, eh?
Err... I'm in SA.

For the sake of 10 bucks more, you might as well invest in the cost of a 5kg express post satchel. After all, most of us are getting the equivilant of 200 bucks worth of hops for 50 bucks! Cough up the pennies tightwads!
For the sake of 10 bucks more, you might as well invest in the cost of a 5kg express post satchel. After all, most of us are getting the equivilant of 200 bucks worth of hops for 50 bucks! Cough up the pennies tightwads!
Must have missed the 5Kg satchel when checking out Aust Post Fourstar but as mentioned have volunteered to help split the hops when they arrive but not saving much by collecting personally as the round trip to Brissy by train will cost a smidgen less than 1 x 5Kg & 1 x 2Kg satchels. Just glad to help out.

I know a lot of you like cheap prices,I do too.I am associated with a industry that barely survives for the most part in Australia.

The internet has made margins even smaller.I have expertise that can't be purchased online.But cheap people keep buying incorrect equipment,then want it corrected here so I charge accordingly.

Online sales will be the death of my industry,but for now I am needed.But eventually the expertise and knowledge will be lost to this country.

Australia needs a presence all be it tiny,but when it is a monoply at "telstra" prices or you have to actually travel overseas for a custom fit,then it's to late.

Just my 2c
I know a lot of you like cheap prices,I do too.I am associated with a industry that barely survives for the most part in Australia.

The internet has made margins even smaller.I have expertise that can't be purchased online.But cheap people keep buying incorrect equipment,then want it corrected here so I charge accordingly.

Online sales will be the death of my industry,but for now I am needed.But eventually the expertise and knowledge will be lost to this country.

Australia needs a presence all be it tiny,but when it is a monoply at "telstra" prices or you have to actually travel overseas for a custom fit,then it's to late.

Just my 2c
I used to get fired up and shake my head about the loss of expertise in the Australian workforce. From the eighties to about 2000 there was a lot of if your over thirty your over the hill, and its a young mans world. When you work alongside people who could use their knowledge to solve problems, name and source parts off machines and equipment they've dealt with over a 40 year career its an extremely impressive and satisfying experience. But in the end most companies didn't value these people and moved most of them on with redundancy packages and early retirement.

These days I've lost count of the number of times I been to stores with the make and model of my car, stereo, fridge etc, etc , the name of the part I want along with the part number (even photographs) to be told by the 15 yo pimply faced expert, its not listed on the computer system they use and I'll have to physically bring the part into the store (no fun at all when you've traveled 60 klm from the suburbs to the city centre for nothin').

The good thing is that there are still heaps of people to turn too with all the expertise and help you need to solve a problem, hobbyists. Look at the fantastic work and skills of hot rod & car restorers, woodworkers, metalworkers, electronic enthusiasts, self sufficiency people, etc, and the list goes on. 99% of them willing to share their knowledge and passion for what they do with people who ask them. These are the people who I turn to when I need to know, say where to get the right fan belt or radiator hose (and leave the local garage for buying bread & milk, 100 kilo bags of f*cking dogfood, firewood, shampoo, porn, anything but a car part).

Local business still gets a chance at earning some of my money, but usually only the ones that are one the Internet with good information about their products, pricing, and contact details. I won't waste time running my arse off anymore from store to store in a futile attempt to buy something they should stock but don't.

A short time ago working for a company for 25-30 years was classed as a career, these days you are your career. Anyone who can successfully run a brick and mortar walk in business could succesfully run an on-line shop, it should even be easier as lots of things can be shipped direct from a supplier to your customer saving you all the storage, packing, shipping costs. Or the other option is like Craftbrewer who has both a brick and mortar shop and on-line store.
For all its faults and problems todays Australia still offers lots of opportunities to do well (and what a country to live in), businesses will now have to earn the money differently. To use CraftBrewer as an example while many businesses seem to be complaining about competion and losing sales, he seems to be thriving. His web site is well thought out, has fair pricing, gives excellent service, and sorts out any problems quickly, and seems a nice guy ta boot (usual no affiliation ********, just a satisfied customer). The point I'm making is that all businesses who want your money should operate like this.

In the seventies the various Gods of Rock & Roll used to start world tours in Australia because we were the hardest audience in the world to please. People worked hard for their money and expected great value when they spent it. Even if the band was The Rolling Stones and had a bad night they'd cop bucket loads of **** and know they deserved it. Well guess what, this is what is happening to Australian Retailers now and if they don't like it they'd better fix up their act pretty quick or go the way of the Dodo.

Even though times are a changing (and they always will), we just need people to be more optomistic, or to use the straight shooting no ******** Australian line 'No wurries, she'll be wright mate!!!' (Please note this last comment is in the old context of someone who would have his arm cut off rather than go back on his word, or let a mate down when needed, and not to be interpeted as the modern coffee club, white latte sipping suit who's got no intention of doing anything he promises anyone except himself).

What a F*******cking rant sorry guys (I bet a lot of you quote this last line with +1 +2 ......................... + 200 :lol: ).
Hmm, I'll probably get the 5kg pack to be sure then- best to have margin for error, eh?

I've had 3kg of hops delivered in a 3kg express post satchel, and it was fine. Right on the margin of 3kg, but there was no question from Aus Post (apart from the fact that the postie didn't knock to deliver it, just left it sitting in the sun outside my front door). If I'd known that there was a 5kg satchel, I might've ordered more hops!...
I know a lot of you like cheap prices,I do too.I am associated with a industry that barely survives for the most part in Australia.

The internet has made margins even smaller.I have expertise that can't be purchased online.But cheap people keep buying incorrect equipment,then want it corrected here so I charge accordingly.

Online sales will be the death of my industry,but for now I am needed.But eventually the expertise and knowledge will be lost to this country.

Australia needs a presence all be it tiny,but when it is a monoply at "telstra" prices or you have to actually travel overseas for a custom fit,then it's to late.

Just my 2c

I dare say a very similar thing is happening on the HBS scene. Very sad I reckon. I have seen a number LHBSs pack up shop over the past few years. Its not going to be worrying the big online guys, more sales for them. But I think there's a good chance that in a few years down the track we'll find the idea of a "LHBS" is gone, and we will be worse off for it (whether in terms of healthy competition, friendly advice, or simply a place we can bolt to on a Saturday morning if we find there's no yeast in the fridge!). And by then it will be too late to go back. Bit of a sad trend. I find the whole online concept a bit cold and sterile - sure you can get advice over email, but you can't replicate dropping into the HBS for a beer and a yarn, or hands-on problem solving.
Must have missed the 5Kg satchel when checking out Aust Post Fourstar but as mentioned have volunteered to help split the hops when they arrive but not saving much by collecting personally as the round trip to Brissy by train will cost a smidgen less than 1 x 5Kg & 1 x 2Kg satchels. Just glad to help out.


The 5kg satchel has only been available for about a month now I think TP, so thats probably why you missed it. Its a whopper of a bag.

I've got two kg ordered and paid with a third kilo on the backup list. I'll be going with a 3kg express satchel if I get 2kg, probably a 5kg bag if I end up getting the third kilo. I'll wait for expert advice from the packing crew as to whether I need the 5kg or not.

real_beer: Good rant.
Sounds dumb but hey! How does it work with the satchels. Can you buy a 5kg one with the brisbane delivery address and a return to sender address, send it up empty, they fill it and then just put it back in the post to come back to the sender? Or do you have to buy 2 with the one with your address inside? Bit confused.
Sounds dumb but hey! How does it work with the satchels. Can you buy a 5kg one with the brisbane delivery address and a return to sender address, send it up empty, they fill it and then just put it back in the post to come back to the sender? Or do you have to buy 2 with the one with your address inside? Bit confused.

Sent some stuff to Brissy last week & asked the Aust Post staff the best way to get the goods sent back. Finished up including a prepaid, self-addressed Postal Pak for the return journey.

Sent some stuff to Brissy last week & asked the Aust Post staff the best way to get the goods sent back. Finished up including a prepaid, self-addressed Postal Pak for the return journey.



Talking to China as I type.

Talk about fresh hops. We are getting them straight off the vine, dried, and immediately made into pellets. They HAVE NOT BEEN STORED AT ALL. They are being harvested as we speak.

The Cascade part of the order is finished, BUT the other types will take a couple of weeks they tell me as they are still harvesting the hops, and they want us to have the freshest hops possible.

I think you agree this is great service, beyond anything we get in Australia or NZ

And from Chinas own mouth, to all those idiots who think China is a back water

"[: because we finish ALL CASCADE with 50MT, the machinery have to be washed fully, and then we take a next step, to process ALL SAAZ, step by step, ALL CLUSTER, NUGGET ............ and so on"

Must have missed the 5Kg satchel when checking out Aust Post Fourstar but as mentioned have volunteered to help split the hops when they arrive but not saving much by collecting personally as the round trip to Brissy by train will cost a smidgen less than 1 x 5Kg & 1 x 2Kg satchels. Just glad to help out.


3kg express post bags are like 11.50 and the 5kg bags express at 18kg. be good if they had the same bag for non express. Either way, i'd prefer to be safe than sorry. Atleast then my 'calibrated scoop' wont be undercalibrated! :)
No need for express postal packs, the hops will probably walk there by themselves. :icon_cheers:

I already have a few recipes in mind and will be ordering grains and yeasts end of October.