Things are going well for Monday 5 October launch. We are testing everything so it works.
So what happens monday. The key to this buy is the "mythical List" The list should give you all the feedback you need, and reduce needless e-mails to me on "how is my order going"
Y= yes all ok
N= didn't respond so your out
W= waiting for you to respond
the list would look something like this, (when I sort out how I post it) then on the BB forum, updated daily. The idea is you have constant feedback and saves me answering a ton of "what is happening with my order" questions
Who-------------------/ Invitation to Order/ Posted Email order/ Received Payment Received
1 townsville -----------------------y------------------- y----------------------------------- y
2 xxxxx ----------------------------y -------------------w ----------------------------------w
3 yyyyy -----------------------------y ------------------y ----------------------------------w
4 zzzzz -----------------------------y ------------------n----------------------------------- n
5 aaaaa -----------------------------w -----------------w -----------------------------------w
so in this example
1townsville is fully ready to go, paid up and waiting
2xxxxx has e-mailed me with their order, BUT I haven't told then how to pay yet as I haven't processed their request
3yyyyy has been e-mailed their order, I have checked it, and contacted him with bank details BUT they haven't paid yet
4zzzzz was contacted with bank details, BUT not paid in time, so has been dropped from the ordering process
5aaaaa has been added to the list, but has made no contact at all at this stage
To get on the list, all you will have to do FROM MONDAY is simply state on the Bulk Buy forum you want to be added. NOTHING ELSE. It will flow from there.
So the procedure will be
1. If your name is not already on the list, you ask to be put on in the BULK BUY FORUM - If you want to be private you will contact me
[email protected] asking to kept secret.
2. When your name appears on the list, with n,n.n against it - YOU HAVE TWO DAYS TO CONTACT ME with your order
[email protected] .
details to send
Name for list (Handle):
Return Email:
Delivery Address:
3. When I get the order the list will change to y,n,n
4. I will send you Bank deposit details shortly. When you get those - YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO PAY, with list changed to y,y,n
5. When you pay and I have checked the list will change to y,y,y
You should only contact me if you do something and it doesn't relflect on the list in a couple of days. This is your feedback your order is being processed
there will be a new e-mail addess to place orders etc. This is to ensure that only orders are there, and dont get lost with my other e-mails. This address is soley for the order
[email protected]
Any questions and more importantly, is it clear.