Chinese Hops? What Next

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Just trying to balance the general "doom and gloom" posts with a little personal reality.

Yeh, I think one should also seriously look at the huge positives with buys like this. Firstly the hop industry in Aus is in decline. It just a very small fish in a huge hop pond. Protecting uncompetitve industries NEVER works.

But what are the positives. Instead of long winded explanations, lets go dot form

1. Cheaper supplies for brewers at home, more money to buy stuff
2. more beer made, more business to shops
3. more people into the hobby, thus again more business
4. guaranteed supplies, China has heaps
5. Cheaper Micro beer - yes they do know about this
6. Money back to Australia - China is investing heavily into Aus, it does return
7. Better beers, not afraid to add heaps of hops, also fresh hops
8. Better relations with our neighbours
9. Hop farms in Aus are safe, world demand is still there.

What have I missed

I still have left 300-400 gms of a 2kg lump of Cluster flowers from the 2006 Bulk Buy. Why? Because I didnt want to brew every brew with Cluster. And I will not want to brew every brew for the next 3 years with saaz, even more bloody cluster and Marco polo. I have been going to the lhbs over the past three years to buy other types of hops. That reminds me anyone want 300-400gms 2006 Cluster? :lol:

Your right there Steve ,

I understand why many people are trying the Chinese hops I hope it works out for them .

I like a good service with a good range of hops that are vacuum packed for freshness .but still occasionally bulk buy on hops I can turn around in reasonable time ,

Not many people can vacuum pack the hops they purchase in bulk buys and if they are not stored well they are not going to be the freshest when you come around to using them that applies to any bulk buy from any supplier .

We are lucky I believe that we have some local suppliers that presently offer a great range of the hops

I just hope the Chinese hops dont undermine the whole quality issue, that I believe we presently enjoy with our hops in Australia .

Pumpy :)
Are they really Chinese hops? or are they merely hops which are sourced from China (which happen to have been grown there as well).

Some elloquent and passionate comments made - but also many unfounded, lunatic ones as well.

My name is not on the list for a few reasons:

- I have no interest in saving a few cents per brew. While hops are expensive per kilo, the cost per batch or glass is not a real issue.

- I am concerned that new 'low cost' import will displace the traditional suppliers. Look what has happened when Bunnings took over BBC hardware. Initially Bunnings had a great range, but now it is full on cheap, pre-packaged products from China. Tools that break on first use, ill-fitting components and items of unknown 'food grade' standards.

- China has a poor reputation for quality in manufactured and food items. The lack of regulations and standards often leads to substitutions, corruption of officials and unsafe practises - all focussed at reducing the price and quality. Recent, memorable incidents are the stainless equipment welded with mild steel filler, poor welding standards, toys with lead paint, poisonous baby milk and fake eggs made from chemicals.

- Many items coming out of China are fakes, with no regard for the original product. If there is little concern about making a fake rolex, what controls will there be that the Saaz are actually Sazz, that the reported Alpha is correct for the batch etc. Things can easilly get mixed up.

- Pollution: There is little concern for the health of the environment and individuals. There is no assurance that any pesticides used are safe or even as stated. Compare the smoke filled valleys of rural China with the 'clean & green' image of Tasmania or New Zealand and I know where I would like my hops to come from.

Having said all the above, the Chinese hop industry exists because some breweries are buying their products so maybe they have these things under control. Alternatively the breweries may be unconcerned by such things and are just looking to buy cheap Alpha acid. But I bet that you will never see 'proudly brewed from imported Chinese hops' on any beer label.

But to each their own. At least, unlike the Chinese we still have the freedom to choose.

Before China there was Taiwan, before that Korea, before that Japan it's all been done and said before with the same rhetoric. But look at those countries now? Korea and Japan in particular have a reputation of innovation and quality. Rarely hear anyone every say "cheap Japanese sh#t" anymore but heard it a lot as a kid.

BTW whoever said Australia's officialdom were less susceptable to corruption and turning a blind eye to corporate Australia? Come on get real? Seen the newspapers lately over NSW and Qld pollies on the take? Geezuz talk about not looking in your own backyard! :lol:
Before China there was Taiwan, before that Korea, before that Japan it's all been done and said before with the same rhetoric. But look at those countries now? Korea and Japan in particular have a reputation of innovation and quality. Rarely hear anyone every say "cheap Japanese sh#t" anymore but heard it a lot as a kid.

True, very true - it is just that I do not wish to fund their development. I wish to 'vote with my feet' and say that quality is more important to me than price - allways has, allways will be.

BTW whoever said Australia's officialdom were less susceptable to corruption and turning a blind eye to corporate Australia? Come on get real? Seen the newspapers lately over NSW and Qld pollies on the take? Geezuz talk about not looking in your own backyard! :lol:

At least no innocent people died from poisoning. No country is perfect in these matters, just some are better than others.

Domonsura has some well founded views and it's unfortunate that some on this forum's only response it to call him a racist, if you are unable to come up with an articulate and sensible response keep you mouth/keyboard shut, not liking a product from a particular country does not make anyone a racist, it just means you don't like the product.

My name is on the list but I have reconsidered and will not be participating in this bulk buy, for a couple of reasons. Mainly that I brew about a batch a month and if I average out my hops use it comes to 75gr per batch. If I brewed with no other hops than the chinese ones I'd still be using them in 2years and that's a long time to have them kicking round my freezer, and I like variety in my brewing too much to restrict myself like that. There are so many hops I haven't tried yet both local and US/Euro.

Goodluck to townsville and those on the bulkbuy hope it works out well and the hops are good.


At least no innocent people died from poisoning. No country is perfect in these matters, just some are better than others.


Agree within our borders.

BUT what about that little Aussie company BHP Billiton poisoning those poor villages and killing an entire rivers ecosystem in PNG? Just because it's not on our soil and it's another race doesn't make it right. Where's the backlash and the public outcry? Or was it the Pollies are too affraid that said company would move offshore with the bags of revenue and 20% of GDP in toe? Sorry but this is as recent as this year and we Aussies have the guile to think we are any better? Smell the roses FFS!
True, very true - it is just that I do not wish to fund their development. I wish to 'vote with my feet' and say that quality is more important to me than price - allways has, allways will be.

And isnt that the delima we all face when you think about. You may not wish to fund that countries development, fair enough, so i would be guess no plasma tv or LCD for you, no computers, no circuit boards, no screws/nuts/bolts, no tools. Your going to have a very hard time checking on virtually everything you buy to find any-thing that doesn't have Chinese parts thru-out them.

I wish people would understand we are more and more a world ecomony, and get used to it. We did that in Australia in 1901. Well almost, people still fight over State rights, but we are getting to be one country.

And totally agree about quality. I am the same, AND I preach it on my radio show over and over again. Only the best and freshest ingredients for your beer.

This buy is in a VERY BIG PART to determine if the hops from China have that quality. Some say no-way, some say yes, some say lets see.

I remain confident on the quality, BUT will equally eat every word and probably hops too, if they are crap.

Best ingredients for my beer

If I brewed with no other hops than the chinese ones I'd still be using them in 2years and that's a long time to have them kicking round my freezer, and I like variety in my brewing too much to restrict myself like that.

I continue to remain bemussed with the argument that I wont use all these hops if I get them within a year.

Do what I do, They are cheap enough. Use what you wish, you dont have to skimp on hops for aroma or flavour, have a heap of fun playing with receipes. Thats the idea of cheap hops, it allows to really play arround with your brewing.


I always say, have fun with your brewing and as always

"Brew The Beer You Want To Drink - Not What Others Tell You you Should Make.

For the record, neither myself nor my business will EVER use, stock or sell Chinese hops - I could care less if they are cheap or even free.

Refusing to even consider the use of hops based solely upon country of origin and without ever having even tried them goes beyond just being a personal preference. It is narrow-minded and pig-headed at best.
This thread is funny...lots of misinformed rhetoric from both sides. I love an argument like this...

Dealing with the Chinese on a weekly basis, from my perspective, this thread is now akin to the following argument:

"The sky is GREEN."

"No its not, the sky is YELLOW."

"No its PINK I tell ya!"

Every so often somebody will pipe up with "But the sky is blue", but be shot down because its lost in all the other crap that's been said!

RDWHAHB :beer:
You're all *********. They sky doesn't even have a colour.
You're all *********. They sky doesn't even have a colour.

Go to the top of the class mate! I thought QB would be the one to point this out, glad that it was somebody.

My point exactly ;)
OK you scientists out there


All looks set for a full launch on Monday. Price is adjusted up a little, I'll explain latter, BUT only by $2.00 a kilo.

I am bringing on board two people, so there will be three people all together watching and checking all is ok

I will re-edit the terms and conditions

