Chinese Hops? What Next

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This is a photo of a big mosque I took when I was in Xinjiang - its from Turpan - a town famous for grapes, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were hop farms nearby as well!

Just in the spirit of keeping this as far off topic as possible.......

This is a photo of a big mosque I took when I was in Xinjiang - its from Turpan - a town famous for grapes, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were hop farms nearby as well!

Just in the spirit of keeping this as far off topic as possible.......

Looks shopped Adam! Trees aren't in scale in the foreground.
Looks shopped Adam! Trees aren't in scale in the foreground.

Shopped extensively (HDR, colours, contrast etc...), but didn't do anything to the perspective. Everything is to scale. Pretty awesome building. If you do a flickr or google images search for "Emin Mosque" you'll see a bunch of other photos from other people.

Edit: who's adam?
Nooo.. they are grown in Xingjiang province and picked by Uighur lasses

View attachment 31285

Maybe, but not by those three.
You`ve come unstuck there Bribie, they are actually part of the team at Mai Bung Twot Thai Takeaway in Brunswick St.
Good try but. :lol:
{try the spring rolls......unreal}

I really don't know why I did that? :huh:

See the wee little palm tree centre bottom?

So is the structure white sandstone?

Chappo, the reason you did that was because "Adam" or "Adem" is actually Uighur for "man" as in most Turkic and Semitic languages (Hence the original derivation of the name of Eve's bloke)

So you were saying "That Photo looks shopped, man" and your genes derived from Attilla the Hun and Ghengis Khan broke through without you even thinking. Now I know where you get your exotic looks from B) B)
Good to see some humour returning.

A quick Update

I have set up our little committee to oversea the hop buy. There are three of us, BUT only myself is the contact point.

I am also setting up a Commonwealth Bank Debit Account tommorrow. This is the working account. It will take all money in and out, and the three of us will have full access to it. That way there is accountability that no-one is trying to make a buck out of this. (note if accusations fly we will be able to print off this account to shut up stirers. ).

The main problem that caused the delay is simply I stuffed up what charges the Freight Forwadring Company will charge for the hops. Getting a firm price is like nailing **** to the ceiling. You think you have a price, then there's this processing fee, suddenly that cost. Then there is processing costs it seems no-one can tell you til the hops arrive. At the end I have NO FIRM PRICE, just wild guessimations. And they are wild. Its like lawyers in a way, it will cost you, BUT we dont know how much

The three of us will try to guessimate a price for everyone over the weekend. We will err on the dear size, and if we overcharge say $1.00 a kilo or more, we will reimburse via with the delivery order.

I am also doing a check as we speak on how the company wants to be paid. Making sure thats its a legit company as much as possible, and that I am not just paying into some-ones account, and - poof, money gone.

Continuing the topic of being off-topic, here's a picture of Marco Polo.

Now I get why those hops are supposed to be so bitter. He looks like a cranky old coot! :D

Continuing the topic of being off-topic, here's a picture of Marco Polo.

Now I get why those hops are supposed to be so bitter. He looks like a cranky old coot! :D


isn`t he the one that circumnavigated or circumsised the world?
circummed something anyway :(

isn`t he the one that circumnavigated or circumsised the world?
circummed something anyway :(


nah - he just went for a walk overland facing east all the way I think. Discovered the silk route or something or other, spices n ****. I dunno.
nah - he just went for a walk overland facing east all the way I think. Discovered the silk route or something or other, spices n ****. I dunno.

He's the guy who went to China and stole the idea of noodles and brought it back to Sicily. Some people call it pasta.
Continuing the topic of being off-topic, here's a picture of Marco Polo.

Now I get why those hops are supposed to be so bitter. He looks like a cranky old coot! :D


Yep those lucky guys committed to a kilo of Marco Polo hops who are going to have to make a couple of hundred litres of some obscure beer ,Yoooooo !!!

From some guy who has only posted all but a few posts on this forum, who is just as obscure .

If brewing quality styles of beer, is all about getting your hops from some poor guy who has been paid a 'pittance' for his trouble,
then 'good on ya' , then sit at home drinking your pissy 'Marco Polo beer' and count what cents you have saved .

You may as well go and buy some VB, than call yourself a craft brewer .

Pumpy :)
Ive just come accross this thread and am keen to get in on the BB.
I dont really want to search thru 27 or so pages, so can someone please tell me if it is too late?

The more I think of it, the more I am convincing myself....

I'm out.
Ive just come accross this thread and am keen to get in on the BB.
I dont really want to search thru 27 or so pages, so can someone please tell me if it is too late?

hang tight gregor, there's a list that will be opened soon for anyone that didn't get in initially from what I understand. There's a few people in the same boat. Have a read of the last 2 or 3 posts by townsville.
hang tight gregor, there's a list that will be opened soon for anyone that didn't get in initially from what I understand. There's a few people in the same boat. Have a read of the last 2 or 3 posts by townsville.

Thanks Maple, Ill check it out.

Hey Dom. Less keyboard time, more tool time. Im still waiting on my order. ;)
Wow, some people really have nothing better to do than try to preach to others.

One carton of VB coming up. Not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it though... :huh: