how the hell do people label someone rascist out of all this. pull ya heads in.
Ok I cant help myself, arogant bastard I am.
I tell you - people should learn
"What is racist statement, and what is a racial statement" so many people get them confused. THEY ARE NOT INTERCHANGABLE.
Remember this too - context is important in what I will say
A racial statement is simply a statement identifying a race. In Australian culture its used in humour, as a form of identification, even a compliment. Pommy Bastard, Red Indian, White Supremist, Curry Muncher, Nip, Black-Fella etc etc etc are racial statements. They can be used in anger to insult too, and to goat one into a fight, if they dont understand the contect they are used. For hundreds of years in Australia this has been the norm.
A racist statement is a believe that your race is superior to others thru some racial, cultural or genetic factor. The Arian Race of Nazi Germany, the KKK of the USA are examples. A racist statement is "*****'s are naturally better runners than white people, its a fact".
Now as strange as it sounds we are all racists - especially farmers and breeders. We believe certain breeds of animal and plants are better than others in certain sets of conditions. But its strange we dont carry that on o humans, BUT thats the multicultural world we live in.
General it revolves arround the statements being made "I wont buy, stock, use Chinese hops as they are crap".
If you use that as solely a statement that you know Chinese hops are inferior, you know their technology and experience in growing hops is poor. - THEN THIS IS A RACIAL STATEMENT.
But if you believe the Chinese can never grow decent hops, because they wont ever learn, or their culture wont let them, and you have never seen the hops, then its definitely RACIST.
So What do I believe what has been said by many. Flame suite on - while most of the statements are indeed racial in nature, There is a small undercurrent that they are also racist. Many are making wildly un-informed statements soley on these being Chinese Hops, nothing more.
As stated, many have said I am a arogant Bastard -Enough said