Chinese Hops? What Next

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People in Brisbane willing to help

zzzzzzz - private
BribieG - I work Afternoon shifts weekends but free most weekdays ,and able to put in about 3 hours labour on a weekend morning.
Stillscottish - depends on my shift but work mornings or arvos, sometimes days off midweek. Kluger available for transport if required.
Winkle - car is useless though

Getting rather like a standard Brisbane grain bulk buy crowd.
What a load of Bollocks I am not going to put Chinese Hops in my beer .

I will not buy hops from suppliers I believe are selling Chinese Hops .

What a load of cheap-skates home brewers are who buy Chinese hops .

You lot would sell you Grandmothers for a cheap piss.

People are loosing their homes and thier jobs due to encouraging a few Capatalist bastards giving everything to China .

There is a lot more to life than trying to find the cheapest supplier in life .

People never fail to dissapoint . :angry:

What a load of Bollocks I am not going to put Chinese Hops in my beer .

I will not buy hops from suppliers I believe are selling Chinese Hops .

What a load of cheap-skates home brewers are who buy Chinese hops .

You lot would sell you Grandmothers for a cheap piss.

People are loosing their homes and thier jobs due to encouraging a few Capatalist bastards giving everything to China .

There is a lot more to life than trying to find the cheapest supplier in life .

People never fail to dissapoint . :angry:




You need to listen to my latest Program

I give a good rant to put these short sited arguments in their place

Graham L Sanders
How many Brisbane helpers do we need for you to add a few buyers to the list Mr Sanders?

After all, you DID tell me to wait a few days before adding my name to the list and now I seem to have missed out


firstlt think about it. we will have possibly 300kg plus. many hands make like work. 10 people would be great, then its a hour or two. As usual people say they will come and dont, so we are looking for as many as possible.

As for missing out, think again, this is hard to co-ordinate from afar. I will never make the world happy, BUT its looks like we will be ordering more

Graham Sanders
Where do you find these things Troopa

Pumpy :)

Bout time you put a smiley face in there Pumpy

I was rather upset after i spent less then a min searcing "Pumpy + bulk Buy" and found that....

Townsy - i wish i was there to help mate. I think it would be a great day.. keeping me away from throwing 200-300 kilos of hops on the bed and rolling around on it would be a task in itself though LOL

And if you guys end up doing that PLEASE DONT post pictures HAHA

I think it would be a great day.. keeping me away from throwing 200-300 kilos of hops on the bed and rolling around on it would be a task in itself though LOL

Only thing better would be you and the worse half, naked, rolling arround in warm spent grain.

Hang on - my SWMBO will need a tent to hide THAT body

Don't listen to Graham, he's not getting Cascade hops. There is no way he would help contribute to the spread of a viral fruity American hop, are you going to add Amarillo to the list next???

Bout time you put a smiley face in there Pumpy

I was rather upset after i spent less then a min searcing "Pumpy + bulk Buy" and found that....

Townsy - i wish i was there to help mate. I think it would be a great day.. keeping me away from throwing 200-300 kilos of hops on the bed and rolling around on it would be a task in itself though LOL

And if you guys end up doing that PLEASE DONT post pictures HAHA


Theres been talk that Incider wants to roll Sully around in 300kgs of hops and scrape the hop hash of him and smoke it. but hey its only a rumour.
Don't listen to Graham, he's not getting Cascade hops. There is no way he would help contribute to the spread of a viral fruity American hop, are you going to add Amarillo to the list next???



your right,. What the hell am I thinking spreading the cultivation and use of the crappiest hops in the world into China. I must be mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If those bastards make a Chinese Pale Ale (CPA) that is even MORE hoppier than a APA, and with that rubbish hop, I am going to give up brewing.

All we need in the world, a Chinese beer full of grapefruit and ribenna. Hey scap the malt, let just drink cordial instead

Graham L Sanders

your right,. What the hell am I thinking spreading the cultivation and use of the crappiest hops in the world into China. I must be mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If those bastards make a Chinese Pale Ale (CPA) that is even MORE hoppier than a APA, and with that rubbish hop, I am going to give up brewing.

All we need in the world, a Chinese beer full of grapefruit and ribenna. Hey scap the malt, let just drink cordial instead

Graham L Sanders

I thought you'd gone soft all a sudden.
There is a lot more to life than trying to find the cheapest supplier in life .

Before you get all high and mighty up on your soapbox about everyone being cheaparses, you might want to replace one of the pictures of your brewery in your gallery, you haven't blurred out all of the details the keg's legal owner information in one of the shots. This one:
I agree with you Pumpy, completely. Good on you for having the nads to call a spade a spade, I'll share a beer with you any day mate. I have decided that if it's good enough for Graham & his friend to get on his little internet radio show and call everyone who disagrees with this an 'idiot' and a 'turkey' and to tell us all to 'get a life' then it's about time someone spoke up from the HBS sector.

I know you've been around for a while Graham, but short sighted is what I believe you are encouraging everyone else to be with no regard for consequences down the line.

The fact is that if there are limited funds in circulation due to financial pressures on families and businesses (which there is), your bulk buy represents even more business off to China completely bypassing everyone who really needs the trade, therefore less business (money) kept within Australia which is really responsible at the moment.
Quite incredible how someone with your reputation could condone and encourage such stuff if you truly have the interests of all home brewers at heart as you claim. Your questions regarding 'why aren't the local hbs importing these hops' are ludicrous, as you should well know the answers but seem to want to skirt past them, in doing so implying that the local hbs is 'ripping it's customers off - which is a load of cobblers. We are passing on the costs of being in business, which people seem to overlook sometimes.
1. Your implication that your average LHBS has the money to do what you suggest to begin with is ludicrous.
2. Your local hbs is not going to take the financial risk with unknown quality product.
3. Your local hbs is not going to risk it's reputation with unknown quality product.
4. Your local hbs is not likely to have the room to properly store the quantity of hops required to make this all worth it given the importers permit, shipping agent fees etc.
5. Your local hbs is probably aware that he has no hope of moving such amounts of hops before they start to deteriorate.
6. Your local hbs is not going to screw everyone else along the supply chain, as the reason we have as many products available to us in the first place in Australia is by establishing the proper and reliable supply chain and maintaining it by supporting it. If you bypass it, the importer/ lhbs may decide to drop hop stock levels, resulting in higher buy prices due to lesser volumes purchased, which will flow all the way down the chain to the importers & growers here and in NZ, potentially resulting in less choice available next year after the growers decide 'stuff this, it's not worth it any more', which leads to less supply, higher prices and the cycle continues. Sound familiar? It's been happening for years. I hope for the sake of the people that are trying to save a few dollars via this buy that they don't get stung here, because the potential for it is there regardless of how small.
7. Your implication that the lhbs has much control over the prices is ridiculous. The prices are set for us by the importer/wholesaler according to what they pay for them and the other costs involved (funnily enough what you are starting to find) - there are other costs involved with bringing things in...if you didn't have volunteers to help you organise, collect, break down the hops etc etc, you would have to pay people to do it. Welcome to reality buddy. Then there's rent, power to run coolrooms, staff, insurance etc........people like you always seem to overlook this in your effort to paint yourself as a people's hero.

Questions that have not been addressed;

Are the Chinese varieties likely to be much like their US/EURO counterparts? Who knows, but not likely.
Do the chinese hop sellers spend their money in Australia? Not likely.
Do the chinese hop sellers promote or sponsor local brewing markets or competitions in Australia? Nope.
Is this going to affect trade in our relatively small market? You better believe it. The market is smaller than you think.

Your comments on your 'radio show' calling people like me and other HBS owners who have the 'nerve' to disagree with you "idiots" and "turkeys" for not "going to China" and sourcing these hops..........I've never heard so much rubbish in one sentence from anyone. "Thinking inside our own pockets"......for christ sake man, you're thinking inside your own little reality. If ever I've seen an example of someone thinking inside their own pocket, it's inherent in your comments and this bulk buy. I think so far 'within my own pocket' that I haven't even paid myself a wage in 4 years in order to put the money back into the business to provide more choice for my local brewers. I have no flash car, and no huge house so where are my 'huge profit margins'? Your comments on your little show have lost you any respect I had for your reputation altogether, and from the comments of many of my customers over the last week or so, I'm not alone. You're so focused on this that you can't even remember the name of the forum you are USING to run this BB while going on about it on your 'show'..........pretty arrogant approach. Can't believe I disagreed with someone at ANHC last year who called you 'an arrogant ******' after listening to just one of your broadcasts. After listening to your little 'rant' as you linked to, I couldn't agree with them more. Personally I think that it's a shame that you even have internet access if your going to use it to make comments like that. It sounded like one big 'F*&K YOU' to every HBS around the country to me.

For the record, neither myself nor my business will EVER use, stock or sell Chinese hops - I could care less if they are cheap or even free. I am happy with my suppliers in Australia, happy with the reliable, safe and continuous service they provide and happy to continue supporting them. I would encourage anyone who enjoys the convenience of heading to the local hbs when they need a small amount of ingredients or just some advice - to continue to support your local AUSTRALIAN businesses so that they may survive and continue to provide the convenience that will be missing if we end up relying on short sighted bulk buys such as this - Sensible fiscal policy begins at home people, in the old fashioned way with the purchases you make and where you make them, not by sending all your money overseas. Supporting this bulk buy is a slap in the face to the local HBS's that support your hobby for much lower profit margins than Graham and co would lead you to believe.....
anyone who knows how, pls take a 'capture' of this thread before it turns into all out war and is taken down.

Wayne...that's one hell of of a post. i encourage people to read it word for word. he has taken the time to write it, so you should take the time to read it. esp as many of you use wayne's gear. in saying that. my LHBS is brewcraft. no one has has allegiances to them on here. any $ i save on the bulk buy (which i dont expect the quality to be anywhere near as good as what i get normally) will go straight to my regular suppliers....who by the way are 30km and probably 1800km away. so not exactly local. but they are aussie.

you guys do remember there are a couple of retailers buying hops to test them out. so it cant be all bad at this stage...if the hops are ***** then they are **** and no one will use them again...then again if they are bearable, then it might become like the dried v liquid yeast debate. some people refuse to use dry yeast casue its inferior. well chinese v other hops could be the same.... just a thought.