Chinese Hop Bulk Buy Fallout

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To my mind the main point is not whether or not the quality is great or up to the same standard of better known hops/hop regions and retailers - that was always a well advertised risk that people took and GS made no bones about it. It was a trial.

Now that some of the trialling has begun and people are offering their feedback, GS has the gall to call into question, not the most obvious variable in the mix (ie the hops, hops' source, hops' age etc etc) but the brewer's individual skills because of the secret technical discussions he's been having that he can't tell you about.

Not his fault that the hops might be shit (except getting a sample might just have been a little savvy) but the subsequent reaction to it is pure garbage.

GS - you organised a buy, took a risk and asked others to take that risk with you. Fair enough. You copped a bit of flak for it too. Now that it's been done and dusted, when those who supported you through it offer you their honest criticism, you dismiss them as poorly skilled. Whether or not they are poorly skilled I'll leave to competitions, friends and anyone who knows them and has tasted their beer but as far as any kind of people skills go, you are not only poorly skilled but actually mildy retarded. I consider you the Basil Fawlty of bulk buys.
Great work Chappo and Manticle, couldn't have said it better myself. I was impressed that he went ahead with the bulk buy despite the criticism he received, and I was happy to take the risk, but it was annoying that honest feedback was totally ignored. Anyway, you both said it better than me, so I'll leave it there.
Chappo, man, you have been channeling Pat mate, very well said and could not agree more with you, how stupid of him and patronising to us to tell us that we can't get the best out of the hops because we don't know what we are doing. If he is such a great brewer, why do we not see him name in the comp results?



I go offline for a couple of weeks due to moving house and telstra being slack and look at what I miss! Haven't had a chance to use my hops yet - they went straight into the freezer the day they arrived (after getting suspicious looks from the postal lady due to the noticeable aroma in the post shop). Everything is primed and ready to use some of the cascade tomorrow - doing a basic APA to test the hops on. After that I'm doing a SMASH lager with the saaz.

We'll see how we go I guess...
It still amazes me that brewers long term and otherwise thought they would be getting top shelf hops for the price they were given.
Anyway, it`s all over now . The last time I saw the 2nd round list it had about 128 buyers on it. Wonder how that`s travelling?

Stagga, I've been watching these threads the whole time, and not once have I seen someone say they thought they were getting top shelf hops. GLS may have alluded to the fact that he hoped the hops would be great, but I'm pretty sure everyone else involved treated it as an experiment. No one in their right mind would assume they are getting top shelf agricultural produce out of China (other than maybe bamboo).

- Snow.
FYI the new bulk buy has been called off because apparently everyone is scared to run a distro centre in case people from this forum give them trouble (WTF?).

This whole thing has been truly bizarre.

QldKev - that sounds great for hops delivered. Have you had any problems with quality/service? PM me if you wish.


I have been very happy with the quality and service. I beleive for the quantity of hops at that price point is is a very good deal. I have always had replies to my emails in a very timely manner, and found Niko to be down to earth. The hops when opening the vac bag smell fresh. You may be able to save $2 somewhere else but with the hassles I don't think it is worth the time.

I also tried Puterbaugh Farms as their pricing seems better, but their postage is outrageous. Also after sending them 3 emails I had no response, I gave up on them. If you were going to get several kilo then they may be worth persuing. I don't want to do a bulk buy or stock up for the next 100 years.

I like nikobrew cause I can grab 1lb each of 2 types, and grab a few oz of something to try. I just got 1lb Citra and 1lb of Saaz (to replace those Chinese ones) and 6oz of a test batch. It comes in under the 2.5lb for the cheap postage and I don't have to get massive amounts at a time.

FYI the new bulk buy has been called off because apparently everyone is scared to run a distro centre in case people from this forum give them trouble (WTF?).

This whole thing has been truly bizarre.

"And so are the days of our Bulk Buys...."
I like nikobrew cause I can grab 1lb each of 2 types, and grab a few oz of something to try. I just got 1lb Citra and 1lb of Saaz (to replace those Chinese ones) and 6oz of a test batch. It comes in under the 2.5lb for the cheap postage and I don't have to get massive amounts at a time.

Also very convenient and well priced if you are buying just for yourself. A big bulk buy, competition like hops direct may be better off but im sure niko would try and better the deal.
Chinese hops to give away:

Cluster: 702gms
Saaz: 756gms
Cascade: 776gms

Either pick up in Canberra or pay for postage. Send me a PM if you want them :lol:
Well, I've just done my second hop addition and here is my assessment so far:

The aroma is not the smack you in the face kinda thing. But that could be down to the fact they have not been vacuum sealed and were straight out of the freezer. Colour are a dull green, indicating a loss in freshness. First addition foamed like buggery but hardly a bubble from the second addition. No oil slick observed. Aroma in the kettle is ok, but not as much as you would "normally" expect.

Without having yet tasted a finished product my overall impression is that I got exactly what I expected (and paid) for. Cheap quality hops at a cheap price.

But I'll use the bloody lot of them and have great fun doing so ;)
I've kept out of all this until now, but one aspect I really do find offensive is this (my emphasis):
Yes I will come back for the 2010 season. Under a new name, clean slate. Look arround October for my return. It will be bigger and better than before. By then the huff and puff would have died down.
Now, old mate is evidently unsatisfied with the state of his own credentials after the affair's self- destruction and values his very own name so highly that he's prepared to just ditch it like a $2 slapper when things get tough, much like a 'bigger and better' 2nd BB. If there was the tiniest remnant of reputation worthy of salvage then it just went crashing down the tube, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Even with a new handle (nb. admins) it should be quite obvious to anyone with half a brain by just keeping an eye out for a self- righteous, loathesome and dysfunctional wanker spouting pretentious grandstanding and unsubstantiated dribble with nothing whatsoever constructive to contribute to the actual brewing of beer, much like a so- called radio show- incomprehensible garbage existing purely in the service of an egotist's one preoccupation.
Dunno but I do recall something pertinent to your post #19. The reason has been given for the phenomenon you've observed. There was an admission that some people who were owed a small refund got nothing and some people got a little extra. If I recall correctly it was about making things a little more fluid on the day. I know this was explained by someone other than the Great Man himself. Perhaps he might wish to repeat the details I've forgotten? There was no account posted of what excess money went where.

There was about $450 left over so GS sent that to me and I picked up bags of $2 and $1 coins from my bank and took them to the hop day and put them in an ice cream bucket at the end of the packing table. From order one to the last one, anyone ordering more than three kilos got a refund of $2 a kilo, less than that they got a refund of $1 a kilo. When the cash ran out near the end of the order, they got nowt so it was a first in best dressed 'adjustment' at the end of the exercise and was a fairly rough and ready attempt to square off the excess cash that had 'arisen' due to the improvement in the Aus dollar when the order was finally paid for by GLS.


I advise anyone that paid money for a product that was not supplied to send a formal letter demanding restitution for the breach of contract. If he doesn't remedy the breach, warn him of your intention to seek restitution in the small claims tribunal.
The only person apart from Chappo who didn't get his hops was KillerRx4 and we have been working through all the yellow satchel stickers with Aus Post my end and his end to see what happened to the bag, it was Aus Post who lost it, not GLS or any of the packing crew.

Just got home from work and I'm having a naughty little nocturnal quaff of an ice cold Chinese smash all-Saaz international Style. It's been lagered and is now around a week in the keg, and I actually quite like it for what it is. No off flavours whatsoever, 120g of hops in various additions.. hits the spot but not a comp winner, I'll take a shedload to BABBs and anyone is free to taste. Also using the Cluster as a Fuggles sub in two UK bitters has resulted in pleasant quaffing ales which I'll bring to BABBs as well. I left DKS a couple of ales at his place yesterday, he can't see anything wrong with the beers. So I'll use mine for the house beers - can't comment on the Cascade or MP as I didn't buy them.

However I would say that anyone buying a couple of kilos and paying thirty five bucks in the next buy and another thirteen for the post satchel you would probably be better looking at a direct buy from the USA or Ellerslie whatever and get better quality. As far as Chinese hops go, unless a better quality comes on the market via the regular hop dealers, and why not in future, we have UK and NZ hops so why not Chinese - then personally I'm putting them in the 'been there done that' department, but am happy to use up my current 2 kilos during the next few months.
Sorry, Bribie. I guess I remembered your explanation in quite a creative manner. Didn't mean to disperse misinformation.

I've kept out of all this until now, but one aspect I really do find offensive is this (my emphasis):

Now, old mate is evidently unsatisfied with the state of his own credentials after the affair's self- destruction and values his very own name so highly that he's prepared to just ditch it like a $2 slapper when things get tough, much like a 'bigger and better' 2nd BB. If there was the tiniest remnant of reputation worthy of salvage then it just went crashing down the tube, at least as far as I'm concerned.

In his defence he has gone on at great length early on in the piece that he hated his current name and wished it had been something else. He has foretold of his resurrection and intention to do it under another name - not much chance of it being swept under the rug that way.

Besides - he'll come back advertising the next one as the sequel to the most successful hop bulk buy of all time and probably won't even acknowledge the negative feedback given by the very small handful of petty, jealous, untalented brewers.

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