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Stu said: "Well....I believe there is no God ( or any religious deity ) , never has been, never will be"

So, you don't believe in a belief system called religion. Makes you the same I'd say - a believer.

If you are human you cannot escape the reality that we are all hard wired to believe. Indeed, we must believe. Its just a matter of what.

Edit: to correct the quote I was referring to.
Feldon said:
If you are human you cannot escape the reality that we are all hard wired to believe. Indeed, we must believe. Its just a matter of what.

I believe that I will have a few beers after work ....
Feldon said:
But you believe things all the time, we all do.

Eg. next time you're driving down the road and get the green light at an intersection you believe that the lights are showing red for traffic crossing the intersection, and you drive straight through, comfortable in the belief that the other set of lights are red. You have no direct evidence of their redness, just belief.
No, I think that it is overwhelmingly likely to be red. It's a thought, not a belief. Important distinction.

Feldon said:
So, you don't believe in a belief system called religion. Makes you the same I'd say - a believer.

If you are human you cannot escape the reality that we are all hard wired to believe. Indeed, we must believe. Its just a matter of what.
What? See Parks' post #117:

Parks said:
Not positive doesn't mean negative.
Ducatiboy stu said:
How do you know he EXISTS....have you had the chance to actually meet him, ...where is the proof that he exists.....I mean there are billions of people who beleive he exists, but NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON...EVER HAS benn able to prove it...

I believe I am a millionare, the reality is that I am not one

How do you know he is real....

Dont try and put the burden on ME that GOD ( or whoever he is ) exists or does not

I give you Russells Teapot....

Russell's teapot

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russell's teapot, sometimes called the celestial teapot or cosmic teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making scientifically unfalsifiable claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others, specifically in the case of religion.[1] Russell wrote that, if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the ground that they cannot prove him wrong. Russell's teapot is still referred to in discussions concerning the existence of God.

Just because some bloke dressed in a white dress in a building reads from a book of stories on Sundays tells you he exists does not mean that he does.

Mate, I'm not trying to put any burden on you ...I just asked a question. And regarding my EXPERIENCE as to knowing He would be wasted sharing that with someone who is unwilling to believe that God exists. You would be the first to admit that anything I may say would be disregarded. My experience had nothing to do with a bloke (no white robes, by the way) preaching from a was as far removed from that as could be. And I was coming from the same place you are, and saying the same things. I had as much hatred towards anything to do with these matters as anybody probably could.
madpierre06 said:
No, you KNOW that you will.

And do enjoy 'em, I'm off to work.
Well I dont actually know if I will or not..I am yet to get there...I just believe that I will
Liam_snorkel said:
No, I think that it is overwhelmingly likely to be red. It's a thought, not a belief. Important distinction.

What? See Parks' post #117:
Thinking is just the process by which we make decisions, its not the decisions themselves.

We do not think about the red lights for crossing traffic every time we approach an intersection. Its a matter of blind faith, based on belief.

(Sorry Liam, but I originally quoted you in another post that was meant to quote Stu - have edited it now).
madpierre06 said:
Mate, I'm not trying to put any burden on you ...I just asked a question. And regarding my EXPERIENCE as to knowing He would be wasted sharing that with someone who is unwilling to believe that God exists. You would be the first to admit that anything I may say would be disregarded. My experience had nothing to do with a bloke (no white robes, by the way) preaching from a was as far removed from that as could be. And I was coming from the same place you are, and saying the same things. I had as much hatred towards anything to do with these matters as anybody probably could.
But how do you know he exists..

I have yet to find anyone who can explain that he does...even forthright Christain folk and clergy.....

All they say is that they believe he does, not that he actually does exist.
Now that's over lets pray

Our lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk (I will be drunk)
At home as if in tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us our spillages
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not to incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer, the bitter, the lager
For ever and ever....

Edit: Shit too slow, its on again
Feldon said:
We do not think about the red lights for crossing traffic every time we approach an intersection. Its a matter of blind faith, based on belief.
Plenty of drivers are guilty of that....
Feldon said:
Thinking is just the process by which we make decisions, its not the decisions themselves.

We do not think about the red lights for crossing traffic every time we approach an intersection. Its a matter of blind faith, based on belief.
I see what you're shooting at but we're getting into cognitive theory here - in that 500 milliseconds that it takes for the brain to process sensory information and construct our conscious reality.. we've already passed the traffic lights. The brain makes decisions based on past experience (read: evidence), and adjusts when things change - It is a little bit removed from the active process of belief.
In my experience, non believers/atheists are just as fanatical as religious believers, irrespective of which religion.
Most athiests I know dont give rats, and I dont either

I just want someone to explain to me how God exists....

Its not that hard a question really...

But the standard answer is " You dont believe in him so I am not going to try and explain why he exists"...... kind of self defeating in a way...
earle said:
Now that's over lets pray

Our lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk (I will be drunk)
At home as if in tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us our spillages
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not to incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer, the bitter, the lager
For ever and ever....

Edit: Shit too slow, its on again

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Praise Yeasus Brother!
Ducatiboy stu said:
Most athiests I know dont give rats, and I dont either

I just want someone to explain to me how God exists....

Its not that hard a question really...

But the standard answer is " You dont believe in him so I am not going to try and explain why he exists"...... kind of self defeating in a way...
If you are seeking evidence of God's existence, that makes you an agnostic (= "I don't know") rather than an atheist.

Agnosticism is a more honest position to take and doesn't disrespect believers. Simply, when asked if God exists I reply 'I don't know'.

The problem with atheism is that its a believe system too - many athiests hold a conviction for it just as strongly as believers in religion.

And I think that religious believers who says they know God to exist have arrived at this position not from physical evidence but from metaphysical evidence.
madpierre06 said:
The only unforgiveable sin is speaking against the Holy Spirit, which has been interpreted to equate to total rejection of Christ.
madpierre06 said:
And I was coming from the same place you are, and saying the same things. I had as much hatred towards anything to do with these matters as anybody probably could.
Parks said: "You are confusing atheist with anti-theist."

Hair-splitting in this context don't you think.

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