Brisbane Ahb Pub Crawl

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No worries, was planning on being on that train anyway! If I don't see you on the train, I'll see you at The Valley!
Was thinking name badges/stickers may be an idea - I don't know a lot of the guys...

I can make some up tomorrow if we all agree...?
OK, I'll come up with something fitting the spirit of the day.....

Haha. I don't know any of you guys so I'm just going to call everyone "oi".
Name tags would be pretty handy though..
Haha. I don't know any of you guys so I'm just going to call everyone "oi".
Name tags would be pretty handy though..

Perhaps a return address as well.
Just did this Google Map up so I had an idea where we're headed. Can't get it to connect them though. Feel free to edit / add to it.


Nick I'll take a name tag. Wallace and myself will jump in the second carriage, not supposed to talk in the first or the last, see you then. I'm at the scratch from lunch tomorrow for a 50th. Maybe I should just camp there overnight :p
No worries, will try to remember where to get on!

Name tags will be a write-your-own-name affair. Will try and source a pen otherwise blood will suffice.
No worries, will try to remember where to get on!

Name tags will be a write-your-own-name affair. Will try and source a pen otherwise blood will suffice.

Reminds me of the case swap where quite a few ******s decided to pick on poor incider and right all matter of gay iduendo on his back.
I was definitely not involved in that. The stickers on Bonj however.... ;)
Hey guys got the heads up about the event and I'm keen and will bring a mate along.
Pulled this from page 13, seems to be the most recent list.

I have my BABBS name tag does that count :p

NickB (pending approval from The Minister)
King Brown Brewing (san pants)
Bradsbrew (I'll start hiding funds)
Moz (unless working)
Fatgodzilla (in Byron for Bluesfest so should let's start early!)
Northside novice + 1
edschache (for the early parts)
Stillscottish (start and finish. Not necessarily the bit in between)
Lex Hyde (NotoriousTetris) + Even
James Richards (I forget his screen name) will be joining us in the afternoon.
I'll wear my BribieG name tag :icon_cheers:
Dibs on the_new_darren
Got the day off today so I'm out having practice beers.
Not quite sure if it's a brilliant idea or a stupid one, time will tell!
Super Wotnot appears to have Cunning Ninja on tap - beware!