:lol: sounds like a train wreck of a night
:lol: sounds like a train wreck of a night
If he wakes up next to a "LAGER" girl he will be happy.....
If he wakes up next to a "LARGER" girl he may have to chew his arm off...
It's been a little while since i've been to a BNS ball, but I can tell you I wasnt worried about the taste of commercial beers, the taste buds hardly had a chance to react, the beer was moving so fast past them, and that cowgirl over in the corner just wasnt quite pretty enough yet.
I'm about to venture off for a 12 men boys trip to the Birdsville Races and back, 2 week round trip, 6 cars and again, deffinately no craft beers or homebrew on board, you have to pack for space and ease, and that leads to tinnies, VB and Tooheys New for us, 18 cartons of em. Tinnies fit better in Engel fridges and eskys, and they hold there cooler temp better.
Good luck at the BNS, you'll be sick of mid strength beer and Bundy rum by the end of the weekend.
p.s. I know everyone will hate my Tinny advice, but I camp alot, and it works perfect for me.
Makes a train wrech look like a 5 yr olds birthday party. :super:
Mmmmm just read the flier.......... No Drugs, No Glass, No agro, No circle work, no food dye, lots of fun.
Not when he finds out it's not "LAGER", it's just a plain old yeast infection she has.
Mmmmm just read the flier.......... No Drugs, No Glass, No agro, No circle work, no food dye, lots of fun.
sounds like the fun police have made it a 5 year olds birthday party........ they may have pin the tail on the donkey if your lucky.
Ahhhh its like cracker night...... im glad i experienced the good fun dangers![]()