Bns Ball Saturday - No Glass Allowed

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My missus and I split up a day or two ago and my mates are making me go to a bns ball in some place called monkerai as apparently there are more fish in the sea. Unfortunately I don't like fishing. Or country music. Or (I assume) their **** line up of beers or even worse spirits (can't stand any!).

I did a little research, you can byo, but no glass. This wouldn't be a problem normally as I have a stock of pet bottles gathering dust. The time frame, however, is a problem.

I have plenty of beers and cider in glass bottles.

I understand that lower temp = better absorption of CO2 in beer as I work in a bar and have come in one morning and pulled a beer that was mostly head from a split second pull and then discovered the temprites had **** themselves

Beyond this, I have no knowledge on the subject.

I want to avoid buying cans if possible... any help here?
You should be able to decant very gently into PET bottles from you glass bottles. It can work quite well, but you will loose some carbonation. Depends how picky you are with fizz in your beer i guess - an opportunity to discover a new style of beer perhaps - English ales? Best of luck with it all.
There is two parties at a bns, one inside the gates and one in the car park! You will find out why glass is not such a good idea.

Don't think you would be aloud to take your own grog into the bns but you could definitely have a supply for the after party!

Not sure what your asking? I suggest you prepare yourself to drink a heap of swill, get covered in food dye and wake up chewing your arm off in the morning to escape the larger girl that you wake up next to! Not that there would be any reason to escape as most of the bns would of seen you the night before shaggin in the long grass....

Got some great bns memories! Been to many years since I have been. Sorry to hear about your ex, but I am sure you will find a big set of jugs to make ya feel better!
Assuming you don't have a keg-setup and all your beer is currently in glass bottles, I'd just chill both the glass/beer and the PET bottles as cold as you think its safe to go, and then gently decant from the glass into the PET. It might be slightly less carbonated, but it's still likely better than the other beer-options you have.
Just dont drink and shag yourself silly, have a few drinks when its all over.
Just dont drink and shag yourself silly, have a few drinks when its all over.

i agree 100% with this train of thought

there are drinking nights, and there are rooting nights, dont mix them or you'll wake up with regret
What I have done on occasion is transfer from one bottle to another, glass to plastic (750ml) , 2l pet to 750ml (with a glass left over, such a shame ) and 750- 750. I did it to make them more transportable for camping etc. Plusses are much less sediment and no worries about broken glass, and the pure joy of swigging out of the bottle just as god intended, minuses are oxidation issues and loss of carbonation.
As for oxidation, up to about a week was ok for me, after that was starting to get a bit stale tasting so probably only do as many as you'll need (+ 50% or so :) ) and keep them cold if you can. Carbonation loss as you stated can be reduced by chilling as cold as possible in the freezer and a careful pour.
Best of luck mate and tight lines...
FFS, it's LAGER.


If he wakes up next to a "LAGER" girl he will be happy.....

If he wakes up next to a "LARGER" girl he may have to chew his arm off...
Thanks guys! Just got a text from a work mate, we've split up tips so I've got $130 waiting at work for me. Might go to Dan Murphy's and try something new, canned, or may even get a Heineken keg just for something different.

I plan to be camping a bit this summer so this info still might be handy.
Cheesy ad, sage message.

You can get hammered with mates any time. Your quest for the evening is to ****.
Grog = mission creep and brewers droop, and a lowering of standards. So much worse these days due to phone cameras, interwebz and face-tube.

Failing that. Go with this option.

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It's been a little while since i've been to a BNS ball, but I can tell you I wasnt worried about the taste of commercial beers, the taste buds hardly had a chance to react, the beer was moving so fast past them, and that cowgirl over in the corner just wasnt quite pretty enough yet.

I'm about to venture off for a 12 men boys trip to the Birdsville Races and back, 2 week round trip, 6 cars and again, deffinately no craft beers or homebrew on board, you have to pack for space and ease, and that leads to tinnies, VB and Tooheys New for us, 18 cartons of em. Tinnies fit better in Engel fridges and eskys, and they hold there cooler temp better.

Good luck at the BNS, you'll be sick of mid strength beer and Bundy rum by the end of the weekend.

p.s. I know everyone will hate my Tinny advice, but I camp alot, and it works perfect for me.
I'm about to venture off for a 12 men boys trip to the Birdsville Races and back, 2 week round trip, 6 cars and again, deffinately no craft beers or homebrew on board, you have to pack for space and ease, and that leads to tinnies, VB and Tooheys New for us, 18 cartons of em. Tinnies fit better in Engel fridges and eskys, and they hold there cooler temp better.

and 14 cartons of lipton's tea bags? Sheesh, gunna be a thirsty trip mate.

p.s. I know everyone will hate my Tinny advice, but I camp alot, and it works perfect for me.

Nothing wrong with cans. They're a better package for beer. They're durable and they keep beer fresher for longer. A fair few US craft breweries can their beer now with great success.
and 14 cartons of lipton's tea bags? Sheesh, gunna be a thirsty trip mate.


Are you watching me pack the car, I'd literally just thrown in a heap of lipton tea bags :ph34r:

Nothing wrong with cans. They're a better package for beer. They're durable and they keep beer fresher for longer. A fair few US craft breweries can their beer now with great success.

Yeh, cans are deffinately the best way to go for camping and so on, crush up small once empty, and can fit more in the fridge/esky :)
Yeh, cans are deffinately the best way to go for camping and so on, crush up small once empty, and can fit more in the fridge/esky :)

Easy disposal and better fit are good but on a trip to dartmouth one year we lost most of a slab due to the cans rubbing through each other.
That was in the boat trailer though so maybe in the back of the car would have been better. :icon_cheers:
I have been to the monkerai B&S a couple times........several years ago and its a rip roaring party.

There will be hundreds of very obnoxious utes making lots of loud noise, circle work and burnouts in the dirt.

Then when the main festivities kick off its rum and coke scooped from a plastic garbage bin.

And if you dont like geting covered in food dye, stay home :p
A B&S ball will change your life. There is no way to explain just what they are...

The beer is dispened with a sheep drenching gun, the spirits are, as Tony said, are scooped straight out a plastic garbage bin. We are talking hand scooped to. :lol:

They will probably serve food, but as you wont know WTF is happening, and your to drunk anyway to care you will prob miss it..

And wear a suit. this is THE LAW, and must not be broken. ( some suit rental places have dedicated B&S suits for will know why at the end )

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