Thanks. To add more hop lines
On Main worksheet copy down the last hop row - hop columns A to H for the number you want to add.
You will then need to alter IBU formula in cell K14
You then need to add the Spin Buttons to the new D & F columns (Developer - Insert - Spin buttons), not sure whether you number each spin button or its done autmatically.
You then need to add macros for each spin button. Developer - Macros - sheet1 should find hop button macros for weight and time, just need to copy and change cell references and spin button number.
On the Brewday worksheet you will need to insert and some more lines for hops.
You need need to edit the PasteComment macro find line Sheets("brewday").Range("b1:i50").Copy and change the i50 value to incorporate the additional hop rows.
You need to edit the makerecipe macro. This where most changes need to be made.
You will need to add some more sname variable values for your extra hop rows and then you need to alter the section underneath after the comment
' because you can have the same hops in any of the 8 slots, need total for each one
you need to total the weight of each hop so the changes will depend on the number of rows you added, gets more complicated the more rows you add.
In the inventory bit of the macro there are two loops For x = 2 to 22 you will need to change the 22 value in each ( 22 + No of extra rows)
Then there is a line near the end of the macro ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = need to add the extra sname variables created. This just totals the hops to add to the Brew worksheet.
I think that's it, good luck.