Biab Beer Designer Spreadsheet

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Hi Ian

Just read through the whole thread to make sure I haven't missed anything. On my BREWS sheet, I have no formula in the T and U columns. Can you let me know what it should be? I have downloaded the spreadsheet a couple of times. Still blank.
=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(R2),ISNUMBER(S2)),IF(ISNUMBER(AC2),(R2-S2)/7.45,(R2-S2)/7.45+0.4),"") in Cell T2
=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(R2),ISNUMBER(S2)),100*(R2-S2)/R2,"") in Cell U2
These Cells are copied down the Worksheet
Only get values if using hydrometer ie inputs in Cols R and S


Ianh, if you're still attending to this thread:
I haven't brewed for a while, but I was using this spreadsheet regularly when I last brewed. Thanks for all your hard work! I'm getting back into it and I'm about to brew a NEIPA recipe that uses whirlpool hops and dry hopping, in grams per litre, which I haven't done before. The spreadsheet is working in terms of calculated IBU on grams per litre, but the little red dot isn't showing up on the graph. I know it's not hugely important to my brewing but is there any way I can get the red dot to work from the calculated IBU cell? (where does it plot from currently?)
Hi Hefty

The red dot should be =SERIES("RECIPE",MAIN!$Z$30,MAIN!$AA$30,8)
then cell z30 =k14 the ibu value and AA30 is =K11 the OG

It may be easier to download the Excel file again.

Hope that helps.
Thank Ian, but what I mean is: the g/l is working for "calculated IBU" in cell K21, but not "IBU" in K14 because there are no boiling hops in this brew, so the red dot has nothing to plot. (I re-downloaded, just to make sure).

EDIT: Nevermind, I re-read the comment in the g/l column and added a bittering hop entry to match the grams per litre calculated IBU, like I was supposed to in the first place.
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