Beersmith Question

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G'day men,
I was reading a recipe where a brewer could tick a box on Beersmith to indicate whether the brew was chilled or not chilled. The reason for this is that it changed the IBU's depending on which box you ticked. Can someone inform me where this is on Beersmith?
This feature is available on Brewmate but not on Beersmith currently.
The rule of thumb is to subtract 10 to 15 minutes from the boil time of your flavour and aroma hop additions.

So, where a recipe calls for 28gm at 30 minutes, enter it at 15 minutes. When a recipe calls for a hop addition at 5 minutes, put it in to BeerSmith as a 0 min addition, or at whirlpool.

Beyond that, let your tastebuds be your guide. If it tastes too bitter to you, in comparison to what you are attempting to brew, either move it back later in the schedule, or try a different strategy, such as dry-hopping, or hop-tea (have a search for the "Argon Method")

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