Beer Labels And Logos

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My logo for now...

Hand rolled, :lol: , thats a smokin label!! need some help taking a toke?

Umm... You can help drink the beer.

FYI - My neighbour visited during the boil and mentioned that the place smelled "meaty". Gotta love the Rauchbier.
Thanks Wonderwoman. It was inspired by my interest in longbow archery and the fact that I regularly miss both my archery target and my brewing targets.

I used to do archery too, so I secretly want to steal your logo!

edit - well not so secret anymore :p
If you can't understand Gimp, you won't understand Inkscape either. I'm fine with the GIMP, but Inkscape is beyond me. Maybe I just haven't given it enough time to learn it.
And i think you hit the nail on the head with that. I tried it last night and was all a bit confuggled. Can you add a picture taken with a camera to what you want to do?

Umm... You can help drink the beer.
Woohoo, I can manage that.
And i think you hit the nail on the head with that. I tried it last night and was all a bit confuggled. Can you add a picture taken with a camera to what you want to do?
In the GIMP you can. My method with inkscape (because I'm inkscape impaired), is to draw in the GIMP and use the bitmap trace in inkscape to turn it into a vector image.
I have recently bought a graphics pad, so I should take the time to learn inkscape properly.
In the GIMP you can. My method with inkscape (because I'm inkscape impaired), is to draw in the GIMP and use the bitmap trace in inkscape to turn it into a vector image.
I have recently bought a graphics pad, so I should take the time to learn inkscape properly.

You can add images easily to Inkscape. All I do is use File/Import, or just drag the picture from its folder to the Inkscape window (in Ubuntu 9.04).

Here is a link to documentation covering some aspects - linky, and it is also an idea to google for some tutorials on Inkscape. It seems that Inkscape can't do embossing though which is an effect I was after for my brewery name on my label, so I may have to try doing that effect in another program.

How much did the graphics pad cost, that might be an idea to save time/effort.

You can add images easily to Inkscape. All I do is use File/Import, or just drag the picture from its folder to the Inkscape window (in Ubuntu 9.04).
I did import it, but couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into the label withought drawing over it and it disapearing.

Lets be honest, I have no idea of what Bonj said above, so obviously I am not really going to understand how it works properly. I will just keep playing with it and see how I go.
I did import it, but couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into the label withought drawing over it and it disapearing.

Lets be honest, I have no idea of what Bonj said above, so obviously I am not really going to understand how it works properly. I will just keep playing with it and see how I go.

Took me a while to get the hang of it, but Inkscape and Gimp use layers, which is like having many sheets of clear plastic that you can draw on, and you can arrange them in any order you wish, so that you can have part of a picture showing, such as an oval shape, but you can put the writing on a layer above the oval so it shows up, and you can place a picture behind the oval shape so that it only shows up within the confines of the oval.

It is a bit tricky, but it is powerful, and free!

I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while, so I messed around with Inkscape, and came up with this:

Lovely logo bonj.

Funny story : there used to be a brewery in aus called that same name and for some reason it didn't end up doing too well.
Lets be honest, I have no idea of what Bonj said above, so obviously I am not really going to understand how it works properly. I will just keep playing with it and see how I go.

Your'e lost eric??
Downloaded Irfanview yesterday & uninstalled a few hours later.
Take pity on those born in the '40's who can't even master Paint & want to plan for a great hop shirt idea to be screenprinted if it's ever finished? :( :p
Better to just go to a graphics place & throw yourself at their mercy? :unsure:
Any (Non software) ideas appreciated.

I wish I knew how to operate the graphics programs, but not being creative and unable to even come up with a concept makes things even more difficult.
I wish I knew how to operate the graphics programs, but not being creative and unable to even come up with a concept makes things even more difficult.



Seriously though - are any templates available? free, naturally...
That is far better than I could accomplish - good use of the spray paint feature in ms paint.
Here is a label I created for our last Christmas case swap, if you look at the picture I hope you can guess the name of my brewery? something about an animal of the cervidae family that can't see very well and also a pun on my brewing style / abilities


This was done in the inkscape and involved a learning experience with using the trace bitmap feature to cut the logo out of a scan of a handrawn image. The logo was one of a few sketches a friend of mine did, I asked him if he could do something taking the pi$$ out of a Tooheys label with the stag on it. I used to use a photo editing program but find inkscape whilst arcane to use at times, does a better result with the vector graphics especially when you are scaling and modifying text and shapes.

This logo was actually just printed out as Black using a laser printer onto a copper metallic sort of paper so the coloured parts are actually a white layer so thye would not print and the paper colour could come through, yes it used a fair bit of toner but I wasn't paying for the cartridges :).

I normally just incorporate my logo into some sort of picture or change the text at the bottom and the sidebar to suit the beer but as I don't bottle much it doesn't get used very often.
Lovely logo bonj.

Funny story : there used to be a brewery in aus called that same name and for some reason it didn't end up doing too well.
Really? that's funny.... I wonder if they came upon their name the same way.
Your'e lost eric??
Downloaded Irfanview yesterday & uninstalled a few hours later.
Take pity on those born in the '40's who can't even master Paint & want to plan for a great hop shirt idea to be screenprinted if it's ever finished? :( :p
Better to just go to a graphics place & throw yourself at their mercy? :unsure:
Any (Non software) ideas appreciated.


Pete, if it's just a single colour screen print you want, you can do it yourself the old fashioned way... draw it on paper, trace it onto transparency and use the photo sensitive emulsion on the screen (exposed to light)... the non-exposed bits (black on your transparency) wash off and you can screen print through it. For more colours you need some way of ensuring your multiple screens line up for each colour.
Pete, if it's just a single colour screen print you want, you can do it yourself the old fashioned way... draw it on paper, trace it onto transparency and use the photo sensitive emulsion on the screen (exposed to light)... the non-exposed bits (black on your transparency) wash off and you can screen print through it. For more colours you need some way of ensuring your multiple screens line up for each colour.


Many thanks mate but it's the "For more colours you need some way of ensuring your multiple screens line up for each colour" that is making life hard ATM. ;) :icon_cheers:
It's going to be a great tee shirt if it's ever finished but I'm in no hurry.


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