Beer Labels And Logos

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:) thanks mate. I need to redo it with a higher res outline - I upsized it after I'd already done half the work, hence the slight aliasing around the edges. I also wanted to include the family crest - a gauntleted fist holding a crossed cross, above a crown - but that's rather a lot more tricky to do the embossing than it was for the seal and text.

After playing with it for a bit, photoshop makes it really easy to do this kinda thing. Tough to learn though.
Photoshop is the graphical equivalent of a full tool belt with the best gear, it can build anything you want if you have the knowledge...
That is a fantastic label, one of the best I have seen

Yes indeedy, thats nice work. I have Photoshop but no idea how to make it do that. I guess you will need a pretty high quality printer to get the same look on paper.
Thats cool LethalCorpse, :super:
you could put your brewery logo in that then put a ribbon off the top of it and have it printed as stickers.
Then use it as a bottle cap seal where the wax stamp logo goes on the neck and the ribbon runs over the cap and down the other side.
Might have to "borrow" that idea.. :p

Illustrator and Photoshop used together are unstopable... there is literally nothing you can't create visually.
I used Illustrator to mke my Logo entierly from scratch (nothing imported) then used photoshop for resizing and formatting.
Took quite a few hours, but i dont think it turned out too bad for my first serious attempt.
Although it does look a bit "busy" my idea was to make a crown like logo which could sit on top of all of my labels.

Might Try another one when i have a spare 24 hours to kill... (Like that will ever happen.. :lol: )

I'm changing my mind every time I play with these labels.... live and learn. Have a templet outline now ( this one minus the pic and beer name ). Since I'm CC'ing a Coopers Mexican Cerveza... behold my second attempt.

Mexican...Sombrero... this one was easy to choose a pic for.

Guys I have to ask this (even though it may be covered in the 45+ pages of this topic!)

Doesn't soaking labels shit you to tears? I spend so much time getting rid of labels I wouldn't ever want to put them back on my bottles only to have to get rid of them again.

Is it really worth the effort?

and it you don't soak them off every time - Isn't there a worry that as labels get more tattered and torn they'll harbour bacteria?

All your labels look nice and stuff, but... isn't it just an added hassle in the already time consuming brewing process?

Or are there some "magic" labels that simply and easily peel off to avoid having to double cleanse every bottle?

(Just popping on my flame retardant fire suit now!)
i only tend to use labels for swaps and giveaways , definately not all on every bottle
I only put them on my 'keepers', a dozen stubbies or so. And even then, I simply use about 20 mm of sellotape each side of the label to stick it on the bottle. The curvature of the bottle with the 'pulled tight' with the sellotape each side makes the label look as if it's glued on. The tape is invisible to the eye. Best part, it comes off easy as and leaves no trace of being there. I'll post a pic of one if anyone requests the to see how it looks.
I've used lite milk. just paint em on with a small basting brush. Yeah, they fall off pretty easy once wet, but that's cool.
have also used milk with success and also a well watered down mix of PVA craft glue worked well
Most of the time I've found you don't have to soak labels off. Half filling the bottle with hot tap water usually softens the glue sufficiently to remove the labels easily.

Another way to make easy to remove labels to to use clear contact. You put the clear contact over the label making sure that there is extra around the edges. Holds the label on well and peels off quite easily. From memory it doesn't appear to leave any residue.
I use a glue stick, the kind you use for glue paper together. They stick really well and come straight of in the sink when I wash the bottle after drinking.
I've been tinkering with this label to put on my Belgian dubble.


Still think it's needs some more attention though.... <_<
Most of the time I've found you don't have to soak labels off. Half filling the bottle with hot tap water usually softens the glue sufficiently to remove the labels easily.

Another way to make easy to remove labels to to use clear contact. You put the clear contact over the label making sure that there is extra around the edges. Holds the label on well and peels off quite easily. From memory it doesn't appear to leave any residue.
Hmm...I wonder if you can do colour laser printing on clear contact, or if there's special printable clear labels around. My label will be bloody hard to cut out in an amateur setting. If it was a microbrewery, you'd get a label printing mob to make up a die cutting knife to suit, costs a fortune in setup, but then cheap per label. Only worthwhile if you're talking hundreds of thousands of units though. Any of the rest of you with curved labels will find it tricky too. If you can print it on clear contact and cut sheets into squares, would make life much easier.
I tried clear sticky contact, but you dont get much colour density, the label stuck on white paper looks great, the label stuck on a dark bottle pretty much disapears.
Photoshop is the graphical equivalent of a full tool belt with the best gear, it can build anything you want if you have the knowledge...

Thats the truth right there.

Fortunately for me, the key difference is that you can poke about with photoshop until you make it do what you want without having your thumb orff.
Been meaning to do this for a while. Wacked this together in word today.
