Archive Ipa Competition Results

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Vote for who?


Labor of course!
(Disclaimer in an attempt to stop any political posturing in the thread: This is an in-joke aimed purely at Paul's political preferences and in no way represents anything at all...)

I was trying to be diplomatic but stuff it, vote Route 56, vote often! :)
Sitting down to one of Ben's Route 56 IPAs now over lunch.

Who knows what I'll put down on the card... 'tis a great beer. I'm torn.
Sitting down to one of Ben's Route 56 IPAs now over lunch.

Who knows what I'll put down on the card... 'tis a great beer. I'm torn.
Rate it all 5s!
And then vote it second ;) :)

This advice applies only to you though, everyone else should vote for me!
I'll be there tomorrow Ben, but I won't be able to hang around long - double booked for the evening. Instead, I'll be heading in a bit earlier and trying a couple of beers. Anyone else keen for an early start? Was thinking somewhere between 3 and 4....???

I'll be there tomorrow Ben, but I won't be able to hang around long - double booked for the evening. Instead, I'll be heading in a bit earlier and trying a couple of beers. Anyone else keen for an early start? Was thinking somewhere between 3 and 4....???

I won't be making it until 6/6:30. Have to dump the kids drop the kids off for their sleepover first then come back in.
I'll get down tomorrow lunchtime for a few.
(I am open to bribes Ben ;) )
Bumping for the afternoon crowd!
Will do! Mind you, this rain in making life difficult ATM :(
Drinking a schooner of Ben's Route 56 now. Classic AIPA colour, slight citrus hops on the nose (although served far too cold), big hit of bitterness and US hops up front, slight grassiness in the finish. Tasty and most certainly a dangerous session beer at 6.5%!

Drinking a schooner of Ben's Route 56 now. Classic AIPA colour, slight citrus hops on the nose (although served far too cold), big hit of bitterness and US hops up front, slight grassiness in the finish. Tasty and most certainly a dangerous session beer at 6.5%!


Nick, I believe it is 5.6%, so you can have a couple more mate.



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