Today I did a "Bucket in an Urn" trial run and base on initial results was impressed enough to try again
Urn capacity 30 lt with 2400 watt element
Bucket capacity 25lt bucket fermenter with about 20 by 9mm hole drilled in the bottom
Screen was a piece of fibre galls fly wire held in the bottom of the bucket by a metal ring
Pump was a JEBO/Water Master submersable indoor fountain pump 350lt/hr low voltage 12 volt purchased from Bunnings for $12.70
Bucket Dia was 300mm = approx 700mls per cm
Urn was 350 dia = approx 960mls per cm
Bucket susspension rig is simply a 12mm ply wood base plate for the urn to sit on with a couple of vertical arms 900mm long screwed to the base and angle braced back to the base and a removabletop spreader with a couple of notches cut in each end to hold the top of the side supports together
Added 25lt water to urn and heated to 75C and then installed pump and bucket and let temp stabilise to strike temp of 73C
Water vol inside bucket was 21cm or 14.8lt (Beersmith schedule based on 3lt/kg called for 14.68lt at 73.6C)
Added grist of 4.9kgs (2.5kg pils, 1.5kg wheat, 250g carapils, 130g munich, 20g chocolate, 2 cups rice hulls)and stired as normal to break up any dough balls
Placed a couple of sheets of Al Foil on top of mash with about a dozen holes punched in it with the stem of the digital thermometer for the pump to discharge onto
Set urn thermostate to 65C and started to run pump but mash temp was 69C most likely due to not loosing as much heat to grist due to additional thermal mass between bucket and urn walls
Added about 750mls of cold tap water and temp came down to 66.5C with pump running
Mashed for 90 mins and pump outlet constant at 66C through out.
Clearest wort I have ever seen
Lifted bucket and suspended above urn and sparged with 3 lots of 2lts water heated in kitchen kettle to 80C
Had to "field adjust" bucket suspension for last sparge addition so as to get bucket level with top of wort.
Target boil vol as per Beersmityh was 26.5lt actual was 27lt (I plan to add 5 lt of "top up water" as per Beersmith at the end of the boil so that I would have a bit of head space during boil to control any foaming)
Beersmith estimated pre boil SG at 1039 actual was 1040 @ 20C (I gusee it may have been usefull to check the pump discharge SG at the end of the mash just to understand what it was)
Through out the mash the water between the side of the bucket and the side of the urn stayed clear which you would expect due to the sweet wort having a higher SG than the water between the two vessels. So maybe this means that the grist to water ration is closer to 3 to 1 that 5 to 1
Had to "insulate" the side of the urn to help to maintain a rolling boil
Time to do the brew from start of grain crush to wash up was about 5 hours which is about the same as my normal time I think with a bit more organisation this would come down to about 4.5hrs.
What would I do different next time
Improve the urn insulation and possibly think about an Immersion heater to help the boil along
Consider dropping initial water vol to 22lt which would then equate to about 12.5 lt in the bucket giving thicker mash ratio of around 2.6 to 1 need to think about that and would appreciate any comments
If the "Proof of the pudding in the drinking" is satisfactory I will consider converting a 50lt keg to a boiler (3600 watt low wattage element) and maybe improve the bucket design by cutting out the bottom and replacing with say some "termi mesh" or similar
As above I consider the results encourageing enough for me to try again and possible fiddle a bit to improve my proceedures. The main advantage I see is that I can do a full grain brew all in the one vessel