Thanks for all the support everyone.
Congratulations to you too Zizzle! A few hiccups is nothing to worry about, Im sure the results will be fine. Just the experience of getting your head around AG is the important part!
Ausdb, yep, the plan was to have something thats totally portable and easily packed away. The framework was ironically inspired by the bathroom renovations I've been doing lately which are the exact reason why its taken me awhile to get started on my idea! Plenty of pipe lying around, thought I'd give it a go!
Wobbly, hopefully it'll wind up pretty close to the Golden Ale. I've been brewing a partial version of this recipe for a while now, so this was just upping the Ale malt a bit from that. It's a nice recipe, comes out beautiful in partials so hopefully even better without that extract 'sweetness'.
With the elements I used both together to initially bring to the boil, then once the hot break was acheived I turned the urn off and only used the immersion element. Seemed to work a treat that way! The brewframe only needs some minor changes... the curtain rod i used looked like it was under a lot of strain when winding the bucket out. I need to get a solid bar to use instead as I assume at some stage (probably the most inconvenient time possible) the curtain rod will give in. I'd also consider a better way of standing the frame up. At the moment the pipe is just slotted to sit on the Urn handles, this worked fantastically but perhaps at some stage in the future I might change it to look better...
Cheers again all,
Fingers crossed for a delicious brew,