Ahb Articles: Australias Biggest Brew Day 2009

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LOL! Can you source those easy screw up hose clamps for me please?

I am seriously thinking about not turning up tomorrow. I'm totally buggered but my mind is still racing with ideas. Phone beer?

Sorry Katie, we are turning this into a QLD Case Swap thread.

Wonder if we can hit 1000 posts?

Stop the serious drinking Katie and Lloyd. Remember you are meant to be bringing over here tomorrow what you don't drink tonight. :angry:

I'm finding it hard to keep track of who brewed today as I have to keep doing brewing stuff.

I think so far today we have had... (fill in your own numbers if I have missed them :p )


Yeastie Beastie - 23+23+?
Chappo -
gavo - 42
pants - 50
BribieG -
Katie - 46lts
bradsbrew -
PistolPatch - 23+23
Leigh - An unexpected 12 (you'll get a prize mate!)

Just started chiling but don't have a concrete plan yet as how to get the lager down to 7. I'm going to do it though. Batz, TidalPete, StillScottish and Winkle called to wisheveryone well. They are all pissed God bless m.

23 + 23 + 46
Wiki updated... Last donation is in - a total of $452!
Will be popping my donation in either tonight or tomorrow...

Ended up a little short on my total volume for the day, but will still throw in $50.

Got 18L of RauchBier, and 21L of Doc's Yardglass Session Lite

Will update the Wiki when I'm done donating!

Well done to all, especially Katie and Chappo for organising the whole thing!
Updated raw ingredient amounts into wiki....

Also, I took quite a few photos of the process (on the day)....should I slap them in this thread??

PB :icon_cheers:
Wiki updated with grain, hops and donation amount, and donation done!

Thanks again to Katie and Chappo for all your hard work, and all those who brewed and donated on the weekend!

That's really cool Katie. Bring it on for next year, we will make a bigger day of it here for sure.

I know and Im pretty sure more people would of brewed on that day and not said so for a min of $5.00...


Just added my Donations Katie.

Well done Katie and Chappo, you guys put in a huge effort, we all tip our hats to you. Although tipping a beer would be better!
$1,440.00 for The Breast Cancer Foundation

Thanks Doogiechap for your donation....
After a crazy couple of weeks I have finally had a chance to follow up on this big brewday! I did two brews in the end, each a little smaller in volume but adding up to more than a regular 150L batch on my big system. I did 80L of Bright Ale (Galaxy and US Cascade) and 90L of Mild, so a total of 170L.

Katie I will be in touch re payment etc, I haven't forgotten!

Here are some pics...



After a crazy couple of weeks I have finally had a chance to follow up on this big brewday!

Same here KT. Not great on this spreadsheet. Might help if you can do the following for me ...

1. Remove my contribution on the spreadsheet (#7 - didn't get to brew in my name)
2. Edit the NSW Case Swap effort (# 41 on spreadsheet) we brewed (we think) 140 litres (no one accurately measured anything on the day). I'll go $0.50 per litre and will chase up the swappers to make contributions.
3. Where do we deposit the money ? Can't find it - I know its there but well, can't find it.

Well done you and your fellow conspirators - I'm proud to be associated with you !
wow you both sound like you being slaking off only 320 litres of beer between the both of you... ;)


so either breast cancer foundation or rspca... cheers

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