Ahb Articles: Australias Biggest Brew Day 2009

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[You'd never guess but the following is by PP not Katie. I have run out of emoticons. Grrr!]

Still haven't read the last day's pages of posts properly but what a great effort by all around the country :super:

It was great to have a quick look here now and again and see everyone's posts but a bit dissapointing not to be able to reply or read them with more than a glance.

As for the phone beers, we missed more than we got sorry. Sorry Eric that I couldn't talk but I had to mash out two kettles, get Katie another drink and make her a sandwich all within two minutes :)

Usually when I have a brew day here, I like to have everything organised in advance. Never buy a heap of new equipment before a brew day! I hardly stopped since Monday I reckon and was buggered at stumps last night.

But, it was all great fun and much was achieved. For example, I'm pretty sure that SteveM01 will keep making excellent kit beer for a long time cos I reckon we weren't too convincing on the simplicity of AG [emoticon] Steve, thank you for that barrell load of nuts, the nut brown ale (which I am pleased to see there are 2 left in my fridge!!!!) your generous donation and helping out so much with the brew. Next time I'll show you how to AG properly with no fuss or plumbing dramas!

Lochee and Steph turned up with a $40 donation before they went househunting. They couldn't make it back which was unfortunate because I was quite keen on at least giving Steph a little something. (I think I just wrote something very bad but Lochee and Steph will laugh). Here's a pic. Steph is on the right [emoticon]

Doogiechap dropped by even though he was having a busy day and gave me a quick high-tech counselling session whilst his son Josh gave me a few pointers on what ripstick(?) I should buy. Doogie couldn't even stay for a beer but still dropped money on his way out. He's the man!

rude also had a full schedule but managed to do the same as Doogs and he had both his boys! Great to meet another local brewer and I will look forward to a relaxed beer with you rude asap.

cubbie joined the circus and came all the way from West Perth. What a pleasure to meet you cubbie and thanks for your help. I am usually a more organised host but not yesterday. I think Katie got mixed up on how much you donated. She thought it was $200 but I straightened her out today. Your $2 donation was nice. Oh, and did I tell everyone that I paid off another $198 from my stainless steel supplier today? ;)

Quite a few other brewers couldn't make it and sent their best wishes which I haven't had time to reply to as yet sorry. We missed you. Whilst this was the smallest brew day I have had, it was the biggest debacle ever.

Thank God Lloydie was here. Whilst Katie sun-baked, Lloydie and I were able to concentrate on the real brewing between bringing her an endless supply of drinks. We looked after her well but at the end of the day it was only Lloydie and myself who ended up with wet T-shirts :(

Lloydie, thanks mate for all your help and the mountain of washing up you did at the end of the day. You and I always manage to keep the brew going. (BTW, I reckon it was probably me that handed you the Pilsner sack instead of the BB Ale. Hah!) Here's a pic of Lloydie and Steve. Steve is smiling because he's thinking, "Man, my kit and kilo is friggin' excellent. I could have had my brew on by the time these guys even found those hops they were looking for in the freezer." Lloydie is thinking, "I'm really going to smell and enjoy the aroma of this one beer because I can see it si the last relaxed one I'll get today."

Oh, and see that grain bag between their legs? That's the bag of whole grain Galaxy malt I mistook for the crushed grain bill and threw in the mash. Hah!

I think I better stop writing.

Katie, thanks a heap to you for dishing up and heating up all that top food that you and Lloydie brought. The food was a God-send for a poor brewer who hadn't had time to eat for way too many hours. Yum! Yum! It was bloody tasty. How good were those spare ribs!!! (And I know you did a heap of other stuff yesterday. Much more fun to take the piss but eh?) We didn't even touch anything of mine which is tops as today has been another long one.

I know organising this day has been a lot of hard work for you. It has been far from easy for you organisers.

You have done a great job. We all owe you more than a beer and I think we can safely say that this has been the inaugural ABBD, not the one and only.

Here's to you,
Am I getting wires crossed or does a donation to the RSPCA just go to the WA branch? There are kittens to be rescued in Adelaide :unsure: not to mention Queensland etc.

Yeah I noticed that too Bribie, there is a 'RSPCA Australia' that probably would've been more appropriate to choose for the event, no worries though. Hopefully my 115 (people who sponsored me decided they couldn't afford when the day came, so it came out of my tax return <_<) takes care of a kitten or two long enough for it to be adopted.
Ah thanks PP... thanks AGAIN for holding the day there it was heaps of fun even with this dreaded cold. The beer you have on tap is fantastic and even only after 12 hours in the keg.

Next year will be even better organised and easier Im thinking. Im still overwhelmed by the people who participated and what they put into the day. Who would of thought that beer lovers would be so generous!

You are better at words then me so your post summed it pretty well!

Thanks PP... and also thanks to Lloydie he put in a lot of work yesterday.... :icon_chickcheers:
Katie, when does this ABBD ever end?

You know how we said nothing else could go wrong? The debacle grows...

I just started to wind down and then suddenly remembered I had my aeration stone in the lager I pitched just before posting above.

FFS! I had to get my camera out but of course, knowing nothing about digital cameras, I even stuffed the pics up. I only half pressed the button on half the photos I just took. Picture though, a fermenting fridge with 2 fermenters and full of foam!!! Here's one of the two pics I took correctly but this is after I took out the culprit fermenter and cleaned up most of the mess...

Had to pull both fermenters out and try and spray them with no-rinse sides and underside without dripping a heap of beer on the carpet.

Oh, and did I tell you that after Saturday night's debacle, I put a heap of wet towels in my washing machine? I think the load was so heavy, it must have ripped the belt off because it hasn't worked since. So tomorrow night's job is lifting the dryer off the washing machine, tilting the machine back and finding out what has gone wrong.

Here is what lies in front of me :rolleyes:

Maybe just put me down for 23lts next year?
Ive got the stat's up....

Everybody in red has paid.

Rude and Cubbie im putting your payments through on my card but im still trying to collect payments.


View attachment FINAL_COPY_ABBD_2009.xls
No worries Katie - you'll get the email for the other donation soon I guess.

Here's just a pic or two of the day. Didn't get enough time to upload them all. The pic of the table was about 10am.




Katie, I've updated the wicki with my final "fermenter" volume LOL

You were right, I didn't need a password. I was trying to donate using the "member" function!
$100 for each, just took a little while between the first donation and the second.
I am still waiting for a couple people to send me their donations, but I have about $241 so far, would definitely like to get near the $300 mark though.
Massive thanks to everyone involved! Having said that i'll just itemise a few..
Katie sweetheart well done, great job. All your effort/stress/thought/work has brought a huge result. I'm fucken proud of you baby!(flu and all) X...x.
Chappo thanks for all your work/help/lifesaving!
PP thanks again for another brewday/experiment/clusterfuck/pissup/bbq. Always fun, always a learning experience. Much stress little sleep/food, much appreciated!
Still contributing to brew science no matter what the cause!
Doogie and rude, thanks for dropping in! 'The more the merrier" is certainly true!
Cubbie thanks again for gathering such a large donation and taking the time to drop it off on the day.
Steve thanks for some bloody nice beer and conversation. Be great to have you over at ours for a brewday (our plate chiller works)
Sean and Lynley always great to see you guys!
GB your speakerphonecall was just what we needed at that particular time!!

Cheers again all over the country, it's been a pleasure to be involved in something like this.


I certainly will thank them, I'm very proud that they're so generous. The figure at the moment is $432, actually, and the best thing is, there's another donation to come yet (probably tomorrow)!

Thank you, Katie, and Chappo too for organising the day!

Oh, and another good thing is that I'm typing this to the sound of my Robust Porter fermenting away. I can't wait to taste it! My first brew on my new BIAB rig, and I wasn't plagued by dramas like some others! ;-)

My first brew on my new BIAB rig, and I wasn't plagued by dramas like some others! ;-)


What? Did someone have problems? Get them to PM me and I'll sort them out :)

Congratulations Steve :super: Great to hear you had a top day and a smooth one.

Also congratulations to all you big money raisers. (I didn't raise a cent from anyone. Just my donation which I will finalise before Friday Katie. I will try to do better next year when I have everything running the way I want it - lol!)

You guys have dione an amazing job.

Very impressed!

P.S. I reckon that every time this weekend that I have informed you guys of a mishap, another one has soon followed so I have decided NOT to tell you what I found this morning :eek:

P.P.S. Lloydie, I reckon I solved the mystery of the missing pilsner malt. That must have been the bag of whole grain I poured in the mash. So, 25kgs - 9.6kgs - 3.6 kgs - 4.8kgs (Saturday brews) = 7kgs of dunked whole grain. Nothing! You weighed everything perfectly - donya.
LOL I actually said that might have being the case to Lloydie... funny stuff...

Well next year will be smoother hey!

We have four fermentors going whaoooooooo!

I have not had a drink for two nights now how good am I! I usually dont until Wednesday!

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