A 2.23am Surprise...

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Well just thought I would share this little gem.

Was just woken by my dog, thinking he wanted go outside for a whizz, take him out,
but he wasn't overly interested in the idea, take him back inside and off he goes the
living area to show me that somehow one of my beer taps had been knocked on and now there is a 18ltr keg of ginger beer laying in the hallway.

Thankygod we don't have carpet, good concrete floors :)

Now the mess is cleaned up, time to return to bed.

Now you just need to teach him how to turn the tap off ;)
i think your dog might be drinking in the nighttime and got too drunk to turn the tap off.............
I knew that bone shaped tap handle wasn't a good idea
Smart dog...But geez your keen mate to then boot up your comp and come on here and tell us about it..
iPhone Truman, quick and easy.

Not at 2.50am they're not. I can barely see my iphone to hit snooze at 6am when my alarm goes off, so you did well to type out a post on the thing at 2.50am... :D
I'd need to put on the pair of glasses that I wear to do a search for where I left the other pair of glasses so I can actually make out the screen of the iPhone.

On that topic I believe there are some wee tablets coming out (iPad "mini me" version on the horizon) that are midway in size between an iPhone/Galaxy phone and an iPad/Android pad. I wonder if, with a sim card, they would be mobile phone capable?

Would be a boon for older users as well as better browsing on the train whatever but still fit in pocket.
The New Samsung note has a huge screen in comparison to the Iphone.

Its 5.3".

Great for you old buggers Bribie.... :p
The New Samsung note has a huge screen in comparison to the Iphone.

Its 5.3".

Great for you old buggers Bribie.... :p
Yep, designed with people "a bit over 30" in mind ;)
reminds me of when my dog alerted me to a full fermenter having fallen on the ground from the table it was on breaking

in this case though it was from her slurping noises as she drank it

she slept well that night, i on the otherhand was up at 2am trying to get beer out from under the oven/fridge.
she slept well that night, i on the otherhand was up at 2am trying to get beer out from under the oven/fridge.

WOW!, you have an Oven/Fridge?

What will they think of next? a Microwave/Freezer?


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