20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

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3-3.5kg Pilsner Malt (Perhaps Joe White Pilsner Malt from G&G)
400g Dextrose

Bitter with POR to 20-25 IBU and you'll have a pretty good brew that'll please any mega swill drinker.

Getting G&G to mill your grain is fine. In the long run though you'll find it cheaper to jump in on a bulk buy and grab a 25KG sack, and then you'll need to blitz it yourself (or get a mill).
Thanks for the feedback mate. I will follow the exact method posted by Nick on the first page for my first attempt. Coming from doing Extract I included Dextrose in nearly all my brews....and I usually am only brewing Lagers or Pilsners lately. If I follow the boil size etc. from the initial method posted by Nick but add say 400-500g of Dextrose to the 60min Boil this will increase my Alc % if I top the fermenter up to 20-21L?

So not to create too many posts I was thinking for my first attempt to create an Aussie Lager similar to say a Draught (I know people will frown on this).

3-3.5kg Pilsner Malt (Perhaps Joe White Pilsner Malt from G&G)
400g Dextrose

90min mash @ 65C

As for crushing the grain do I need to blitz it in a coffee grinder or will I get the same efficiency if I get G&G to mill the grain for me?



just get them to mill it for you.

It will still work no problemo.

I do 4kg's ( max ) of grain per 19 lit pot. Works great. Using Nicks Thread as a guide.

I have found those single grain batches are a bit boring...they work perfectly though
But if you love pils'
Give one a go . keep the sugar for your corn flakes. I did it once and noticed that **** home brew taste which I put down to adding sugar like in the kit beer.

I am sure people will say I am wrong ..but in my mind I know I am right :)

try this ( pick the cheapest grain to start with and JW pils is the cheapest one of all I think

3.8 kg JW pils

.200 kg weyerman carapils

25 grams saaz pellets at 60 , 25 and 5 min from end of boil. Put them in their own little bag during the boil.

Ferment pretty cold between 10 -15 ( great now mid winter ) give 3 weeks in fermenter. Using that pils yeast in the yellow packet.US-23???

I would even stick fermenter in spare fridge for a few days at the end to clear it up some more.

This is just a standard recipe that I would knock out off the top of my head and I bet it works pretty well.

good luck.

It is not as precise as it all sounds...I make it up on the spot all the time and they all seem to be pretty good.

Just look at the recipe base on this website and do a version close enough to what you have available.

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just get them to mill it for you.

It will still work no problemo.

I do 4kg's ( max ) of grain per 19 lit pot. Works great. Using Nicks Thread as a guide.

I have found those single grain batches are a bit boring...they work perfectly though
But if you love pils'
Give one a go . keep the sugar for your corn flakes. I did it once and noticed that **** home brew taste which I put down to adding sugar like in the kit beer.

I am sure people will say I am wrong ..but in my mind I know I am right :)

try this ( pick the cheapest grain to start with and JW pils is the cheapest one of all I think

3.8 kg JW pils

.200 kg weyerman carapils

25 grams saaz pellets at 60 , 25 and 5 min from end of boil. Put them in their own little bag during the boil.

Ferment pretty cold between 10 -15 ( great now mid winter ) give 3 weeks in fermenter. Using that pils yeast in the yellow packet.US-23???

I would even stick fermenter in spare fridge for a few days at the end to clear it up some more.

This is just a standard recipe that I would knock out off the top of my head and I bet it works pretty well.

good luck.

It is not as precise as it all sounds...I make it up on the spot all the time and they all seem to be pretty good.

Just look at the recipe base on this website and do a version close enough to what you have available.


Thanks for the feedback! Good to see 4kg can be done. PS. Check your personal messages.

Wondering if anybody has some recipes for Lagers using Nicks AG guide. Even a Californian Common that I have been wanting to try for a while.


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Thanks for the feedback! Good to see 4kg can be done. PS. Check your personal messages.

Wondering if anybody has some recipes for Lagers using Nicks AG guide. Even a Californian Common that I have been wanting to try for a while.



There's lagers and there's lagers. Then there's faux lagers and Cal. Commons. Do you have temp control and do you like Aussie pub bitters or German style lagers?

The first link should be pretty easy to knock up. The second one slightly more complicated (rice solids). If you have brew mate or Beer Smith you can scale pretty much any recipe you can find to suit this method, but bear in mind unless you include a sparge step you will lose a fair amount of efficiency or final volume on bigger beers (higher O.G.).



I've done w SMaSH faux lager using this method.

I've altered my system since, but yeah fo sho it can be done.

I never did the Aussie lager, as i don't like them.

It's the technique/system that's important, not the beer style. Get the technique down pat on a proven recipe/s, and use the practical side to cement the theory/jargon and how the elements of brewing come together.

There's lagers and there's lagers. Then there's faux lagers and Cal. Commons. Do you have temp control and do you like Aussie pub bitters or German style lagers?

The first link should be pretty easy to knock up. The second one slightly more complicated (rice solids). If you have brew mate or Beer Smith you can scale pretty much any recipe you can find to suit this method, but bear in mind unless you include a sparge step you will lose a fair amount of efficiency or final volume on bigger beers (higher O.G.).





Yep I have a temp control fridge. People are going to shudder though I do enjoy CD on tap at Pubs and really this is my main drink. I do however enjoy any Lagers really. My aim for my first recipe doing AG would be a simple Lager (such as a CD clone or Pub megaswill clone)...However really want to brew a Cali Common after I get some experience doing Nicks Method and brewing AG.

Thanks for the links! I like the first one and will give this one a shot as it seems simple enough.

As above I posted a recipe for another easy megaswill clone and have read through some posts on here of people trying to attempt.

Would the below recipe be fine for a megaswill pub clone?

3.5kg Pilsner Malt (JW Pilsner Malt or Weyermann Pilsner Malt?)
400g Dextrose
Pride of Ringwood bittered to 20 IBU
S-23 @ 12C
Here's a couple of nice lagers. Both 17L - which is a good size for this method.

No Decoction Budvar Clone
Bohemian Pilsener

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 17.0
Total Grain (kg): 3.933
Total Hops (g): 60.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.050 (P): 12.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (P): 3.3
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.91 %
Colour (SRM): 8.2 (EBC): 16.2
Bitterness (IBU): 34.1 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.500 kg Bohemian Pilsner (89.5%)
0.300 kg Melanoidin (7.68%)
0.100 kg Carabohemian (2.82%)

Hop Bill
60.0 g Saaz Pellet (3.4% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (3.5 g/L)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 64C for 90 Minutes.
Fermented at 10C with Wyeast 2000 - Budvar Lager

Green Bottle Lager
German Pilsner (Pils)

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 17.0
Total Grain (kg): 3.550
Total Hops (g): 35.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (P): 3.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.72 %
Colour (SRM): 4.3 (EBC): 8.5
Bitterness (IBU): 26.5 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.500 kg Pilsner (98.59%)
0.050 kg Caramunich III (1.41%)

Hop Bill
15.0 g NZ Hallertau Aroma Pellet (7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.9 g/L)
20.0 g NZ Hallertau Aroma Pellet (7% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (1.2 g/L)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 65C for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 12C with Saflager S-189

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
3.5kg Pilsner Malt (JW Pilsner Malt or Weyermann Pilsner Malt?)
400g Dextrose
Pride of Ringwood bittered to 20 IBU
S-23 @ 12C

Looks ok to me but the again I've never set out to brew an Aussie Mega Swill clone and thankfully haven't brewed one by accident either. If it were me I'd go for Nick's Boh Pils. :icon_drool2:

Not much help I know. :D
slightly off topic... But i have noticed using this method my swiss voile is getting pulls and small holes in it...i assume from squeezing the bag hard. How long should the bag last? They are only small holes but with a grinder as a mill I am sure more grain will get through, is this okay?
slightly off topic... But i have noticed using this method my swiss voile is getting pulls and small holes in it...i assume from squeezing the bag hard. How long should the bag last? They are only small holes but with a grinder as a mill I am sure more grain will get through, is this okay?

Yeah mine too.

I have had to sew it back together once.

Next time no bag . Just a big sheet gathered and tied in a knot will do the same job.
This seems like a really good post. From my ignorance of all things home brew point of view, its really good to see these types of tutorials. I think they should be put some where for easy reference!


I agree, I think this thread should definitely be airlocked. = "stickied"
I wouldn't have started AG without it. How do we go about getting it airlocked? So that those K&K brewers that come after us can share in it's wisdom!
I'd rather airlock a revised version. Sort of a combo of this, and the Thirty Buck thread. Happy to do it if it was to be stickied.
I'd rather airlock a revised version. Sort of a combo of this, and the Thirty Buck thread. Happy to do it if it was to be stickied.

Actually my blue. It was the Thirty Buck thread that got me started! But either way Nick a lot of blokes have joined the craft through these threads!
A combined and stickied version would be awsome. These two threads are what go me into AG, and the method has served me well ever since.
Hmmm who do you tap on the shoulder ?

Im miles away from trying this stuff, still happy pouring cans of glug. But I know in 6 months time when Im looking for this thread wanting to give it a crack it will be hard to find.

There needs to be a tutorial thread, for step by step tutorials, similar to the enerjex yeast reculture tutorial. Its much easier to follow pictures !


If you can be bothered to go back to the first post in the thread you'll get as many pictures as you can handle.
slightly off topic... But i have noticed using this method my swiss voile is getting pulls and small holes in it...i assume from squeezing the bag hard. How long should the bag last? They are only small holes but with a grinder as a mill I am sure more grain will get through, is this okay?

Are you sure you have the polyester swiss voile? Or cotton? My home-sewn polyester voile bag is still perfect after about three years of regular use (and hard squeezing!).
Yes I am pretty sure it is polyester from Spotlight.... going to use the bag again this week I am sure it will be fine.

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