I'm back growing my hops again for another season. I've moved house in the last few weeks, but the hops have stayed at the olds because I am not gonna be dismantling and carting planter boxes and trellises around everyfuckinwhere we move.
Anyway, I have the same three varieties; 2nd year Cascade and 3rd year Hallertau and Fuggle. I'm not expecting much from the Fuggle, that one I'm more just keeping alive until it can be put into a bigger home, but hoping to get at least one batch worth of hops from the other two plants. The Hallertau yield last season was ****, and I haven't even used them yet.
I have one question though. The soil obviously compacted over the past year or so and is needing to be topped up. I've already done the Cascade, and will be doing the Hallertau on Saturday. I found it near on impossible to pull the roots out to lift them up a bit, and both plants had a number of shoots popping up. The Cascade ones were buried under the new soil, probably about 250mm deep. Will this cause any issues or will they just climb up through it to the surface?